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Everything posted by dieg0

  1. it just keeps idle, and then logs out. I put it on only bail water.
  2. It keeps just afking too long and logging out. im using bailing buckets method. but everytime it just does nothing ( because it takes 2 minutes before you are able to do it and it logg outs from doing nothing )
  3. The interface was too big to be able to start it, if anyone else has this problem. you should System > Display. Under "Change the size of text, apps, and other items," you'll see a display scaling slider. Drag this slider to the right to make these UI elements larger, or to the left to make them smaller.
  4. does it support tiara making?
  5. I want someone to do some chinning for me. I have about 28k chins. currently at 85 range, full arma 70 def. mm2 done. 77 prayer, rigour unlocked. Wondering how much it would cost to get from 85 to 99 range. If its needed i could get more chins. but i think 28k red chins should be enough from 85 range in mm2 tunnels. I will provide all the potions and gear. Please reply with the price is this topic.
  6. Could also be flagged hardware ID u can change it with a few simple steps.
  7. how much for acc #2? And what payments do u accept?
  8. Hi i was wondering how much it would cost to do on my HC iron man 1-50 agility( marks banked ) + 1-40 thieving + 1-50 mining everything banked. 1-60 agility( marks banked ) + 1-40 thieving + 1-50 mining everything banked. 1-70 agility ( marks banked ) + 1-40 thieving + 1-50 mining everything banked. 1-70 agility alone price. ( marks banked ) Please give me the price per row. *it's a 10hp account.
  9. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 3. Pictures of the quests completed 4. The price you will be starting bids at 25m 5. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 75m 6. The methods of payment you are accepting osrs 7. Your trading conditions you go first 8. Pictures of the account status Bans got squashed see above picture. 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I'm the OG owner. email-logg in. ( account is linked to my personal email )
  10. 55 - 70 thieving HAND done. please post prices and expected time below.
  11. will support be added for making tiara's?
  12. it keeps clearing passages instead of depositing into the hopper. It does this after the inventory is full and has been doing this for half an hour [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:10 AM]: move there [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:11 AM]: Idle timer reached, inventory not full, attempting to mine nearest ore! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:11 AM]: within bounds [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:11 AM]: Idle timer reached, inventory not full, attempting to mine nearest ore! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:12 AM]: within bounds [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:12 AM]: Idle timer reached, inventory not full, attempting to mine nearest ore! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:12 AM]: within bounds [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:12 AM]: Idle timer reached, inventory not full, attempting to mine nearest ore! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:12 AM]: within bounds [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:12 AM]: Idle timer reached, inventory not full, attempting to mine nearest ore! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:12 AM]: within bounds [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:13 AM]: Idle timer reached, inventory not full, attempting to mine nearest ore! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:31:13 AM]: within bounds [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:32:04 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:32:04 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:32:10 AM]: Object disappeared, yay! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:32:42 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:32:42 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:32:48 AM]: Object disappeared, yay! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:32:53 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:32:53 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:33:03 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:33:03 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:33:09 AM]: Object disappeared, yay! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:34:01 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:34:01 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:34:03 AM]: Object disappeared, yay! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:34:40 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:34:40 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:34:44 AM]: Object disappeared, yay! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:38:24 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:38:24 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:38:48 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:38:48 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:38:57 AM]: Object disappeared, yay! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:39:15 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:39:15 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:39:22 AM]: Object disappeared, yay! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:40:09 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:40:09 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:40:17 AM]: Object disappeared, yay! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:41:20 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:41:20 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:41:27 AM]: Object disappeared, yay! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:41:32 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:41:32 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:41:40 AM]: Object disappeared, yay! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:41:59 AM]: Let's check if our path contains clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:41:59 AM]: ..our path does NOT contain clipped tiles! [INFO][Bot #1][02/23 11:42:06 AM]: Object disappeared, yay!
  13. Hi i recently made a baby voider its been fun to pk with. It does not have to go, but if someone pays enough i will sell it. defence is partly quested : monkey madness reward + d slayer + nature spirit. after that it was trained to 42 def. 1. Pictures of the account stats of the login details of the quests completed https://i.imgur.com/B2MQAun.png 5. The price you will be starting bids at: 25m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 50m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting rs07 8. Your trading conditions you go first or middle men at your cost. 9. Pictures of the account status account has zero black marks. 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address. i am the OO.
  14. dieg0

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Does it support agility pyramid?
  15. Suggestion, can i prioritize eating food while running away from npc? ( currently thieving cakes, but it does not eat in time and gets ko'd by a guard in ardougne ( 10hp account ))
  16. dieg0

    DT quested pure

    i can do DT with any stats 28+hp and cannon. but i dont do the pre quests. So if you have your own pure or account i could always do it.
  17. lol so stupid XD. i just used melee instead and that works fine aswell. your scripts are certainly worth it.
  18. just bought it but does not work. keeps saying i dont have enough diamond bolts [e] i have 300 equiped tried in inventory still does not work. [INFO][Bot #1][05/14 11:16:00 AM]: DEBUG: Checking trident [INFO][Bot #1][05/14 11:16:01 AM]: INFO: Parsing 2500 [INFO][Bot #1][05/14 11:16:01 AM]: DEBUG: Trident has 2500 charges left. [INFO][Bot #1][05/14 11:16:02 AM]: DEBUG: Opening bank.. [INFO][Bot #1][05/14 11:16:02 AM]: DEBUG: Interacting with bank chest (Clanwars) [INFO][Bot #1][05/14 11:16:03 AM]: ERROR: Not enough ammo [Diamond bolts (e)]. Stopping.. [INFO][Bot #1][05/14 11:16:06 AM]: Terminating script FrostBarrows...
  19. does it auto bank pet? loving script so far! Also does it have death walking support? Because i do have game neck in bank. Maybe an option to add in? when spawn in lumbridge walk to bank and tele. ( im using clue hunter gear on lvl 3. so the armor stays equipped. when dieing because its untradeable)
  20. dieg0


    I start it normally but gets stuck during that wave. so i have to restart it then and then glitches happen. Quick fix would be if monsters are unknown just run around center. Even when being attacked.
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