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Everything posted by sudoinit6

  1. I am looking for a way for the bot to get the id without the item. The GE api requires the item id for buyItem(int itemId, java.lang.String searchTerm, int price, int quantity) Makes it difficult to buy an item if it does not have one, and the list of items I want to buy is long, so I am trying to loop it. Thanks! I will look into that.
  2. I know how to inventory.getItem("Lobster").getId() But is there a way to get the id for an item you don't have?
  3. I am a noob but I will chime in here. You are close but your if statements are the same so it will never make it to the "else if" you need to do something like : I would do something like: if (dialogue.isPendingContunuation){ dialogue.completeDailogue("Okay, teleport to level 41 Wilderness.", "Lava Maze") } This will attempt to complete dialogue using these options if they exist.
  4. I am confused, the difference in price between bones and banana is a few GP. How does this make money?
  5. This is what I ended up doing because I am a lazy fark, and worked. Thanks all for the input!
  6. I am sure, this is a great and helpful community. I have a couple ideas I am trying, but if I can't figure it out I will ask for more specific help. I have been here long enough to know that you guys are most helpful to those who can say what they tried that didn't work.
  7. So I would have to create my own login handler? Not sure if I have that ability....
  8. Is there a way to see how many days of membership a bot has left? I looked through the API and didn't find anything, but I miss obvious stuff a lot!
  9. He means OSRS. They have no warning when a large amount of changes to OSRS are going to be made so it is impossible to know when large updates to OSBot are going to have to be made. They can't really plan for these things they just have to react to them.
  10. Nothing personal, I was just going for the joke. I don't even run miners anymore.
  11. If I could sell your tears on the GE I would bot them too.
  12. So sometimes this interface can be treated like a store and sometimes it can't. I can interact with the objects in the store via widgets but I don't know how to perform some actions, for example: How do I get the amount of Supercompost the leprechaun has?
  13. So much this! That's interesting. I will admit I am a sysadmin that knows a little networking so I will take your experience at face value, I just wonder how they tie the IP to anything but the MAC of the router.
  14. Overboard is mostly correct, I just have a couple points of order: A new router and PC doesn't change your IP, the IP is on the internet providers side.  The ISP does assign the IP, but it is tied to the MAC address of the router, so a new router will result in a new IP. Not a big deal but I felt the need to clarify. You can check if your internet provider provides a static or dynamic IP by going to the router/modems settings through the default private IP. Google your model number to find the private address and the default login (unless you've changed it before then you should know how to access it). Once you confirm its dynamic, you can edit the lease settings (rare nowadays from what Ive seen) to reduce the lease from XX minutes to say 5 min. Then save, turn off your router/modem, disconnect all cables to make sure, then simply wait more than 5 min and reconnect it and reset the lease settings back to normal. You can set the lease time to whatever you want, but the ISP doesn't have to (and mostly wont) honor it. They have their default lease time on their end and most likely their policy will override whatever you set on your router.
  15. If it were me I would use strings and say !inventory.contains(String), but I am a noob, and kinda drunk so maybe that isn't helpful.
  16. So I ended up using a ArrayList for the script I am currently working on and it does the trick, aside from the above mentioned bad habits. Thanks for that tip!
  17. I appreciate the advice and get that using statics is bad practice, I will use it as a crutch to get me by until I really get my head wrapped around maps. That may be awhile because this is just a part time hobby for me but it's been a fun road so far. Thanks so much for your help. Thanks to you as well Slut.
  18. So the maps stuff is going to take me some time to wrap my head around. What I did find that I think will work (although it is inelegant) is this: Made a new class that I pass i and the int to and it sets the static: Not sure if it works yet, but Eclipse accepts it so that's a good sign, I will just if else through the array. I understand that this is not very scalable, but I am not dealing with a large number of goods so until I can do better this will have to do.
  19. Thanks Apaec, I am sure there is a better way. Hopefully maps are it. Watching some tutorials now.
  20. OK, I may be in over my head here but here is what I am trying to do: Loop though the GE boxes and if one is pending sale loop through the array goods and if it matches get the price it is currently offered for and set the static variable for the price of that good to one less than it is offered for now. For now the only good in the array is Law Rune. So the static in my main lass is lawRuneSell. This code creates the string j+"Sell" which is Law RuneSell, strips the whiite space and removes the space so my string ssl is eventuall lawRuneSell which matches my static string. But I cant set lawRuneSell to ssp because one is a String and one is an int. How can I use ssl to set lawRuneSell?
  21. Wow thanks! It's going to take me a bit to wrap my head around this but I really appreciate the help and I love to learn new things!
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