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  1. Can i have a trial please? very interested!
  2. Would like a free trial please. Thank you.
  3. Tested it with Mahogany Table and went from 52 construction to 75 in just 3 sessions. Each session average around 1 hour to an hour and 30 minutes. With long breaks in between since this is my main. Now i want my 99 so i will be buying. Script is great for those who are wondering. Read the instructions on how to setup your butler before botting which only takes under a minute just to set up and then the bot works flawlessly. Thanks again great script.
  4. Trial please? Would like to try out the script before i begin dumping money for 99.
  5. Would love a trial. Thank you.
  6. takun

    Fruity NMZ

    When i use a Dharok setup. with Dharok Greataxe as my main weapon it wont switch back from Granite maul to Dharok Greataxe.
  7. Loving the bot so far. Helping me through some tedious slayer task. Can i add a suggestion. For world hopping can you add a delay before it world hops? My main problem is it would attempt to world hop right after it kills a monster, but because of the combat delay it just sits there and do nothing. Would it be possible for the script to attempt to world hop again after 10 seconds or before it execute the world hop function to just delay it by 10 seconds? Thank you. PS - Can we also have different set of heal points for guthans and eating food? As of right now the script would equip guthans and eat then heal to full with guthans. Would it be possible to prioritize on healing with Guthans at X hp, and if hp falls below Y amount it'll then use food as a fail safe. Thank You again.
  8. takun

    Fruity NMZ

    It is not picking up any power ups? I had every power ups enable on MTD consumable rumble hard mode. Anybody else having this problem?
  9. takun

    OSRS mobile

    I would assume osbot can run a mobile emulator and then execute scripts through that. This would be a much safer option to bot with. no longer have to worry about "Mouse Movements". No longer have to worry about mouse patterns, mouse speed, mouse off screen or any of that. A new safer world for bots. Just randomize clicks, randomize delays between clicks.
  10. Attack and str lvl is 1. Combat Potion increase this to 4 for both attack and str. Also would like to add that i have opted out to using Strength and Attack potion although this is a lot more expensive for me. Using Strength and Attack Potion will also increase my attack and strength to 4. So it still has the same effect as Combat Potion, but the script would operate just fine with them.
  11. Hello! Love your script, great job! I am having one little problem though. I have a defence pure with 1 everything 40+ defence and i'm trying to use Combat Potion (4) with the script to fight at SeaGulls. The script is having a problem where it will get constantly drink potion and not attack Seagull after consuming 1 pot. It will drink my entire inventory worth of Combat Potion (4) and then bank to drink more. Am i doing something wrong?
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