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Everything posted by Wolfmf

  1. Had some gems that needed to be cut. Script is nice and easy to use, thank you!
  2. Wolfmf

    Czar Guardians

    Hello. Would you mind sending it to me as well? Got the script straight away after seeing all the positive comments
  3. Does this support ardy knights at the bank? If so I'd like a trial. I've been enjoying your scripts!
  4. Has anyone been able to use vengeance? Every time I load the script it'll check whether I've got lunars or not, but for some reason the script won't use vengeance
  5. It seems the script will automatically withdraw 3200 gp, despite having saved 1600 gp for inventory. Even if you've done the quest cabin fever. Other than that the script is running nicely again using the charter ship.
  6. Did you not activate my trial by any chance? :feels:

  7. Can I have a trial, please? Thanks in advance
  8. Buying 50m, will pay using paypal
  9. I've been using the script for more than 10 hours now and I love it! However, just like others have mentioned. It does get 'stuck' in the venom clouds sometimes. My character ends up eating all his food and then proceeds to teleport to CW, just to go back to Zulrah and do the exact same thing. Restarting the bot fixes this, but could you look into it?
  10. Could I get a trial for this?
  11. Hello. I'm quite new to this, but on recommendation I got VIP, because it'd be a lot nicer. I'd like to have a 24h trial on AIO Runecrafter. Will most likely buy it within a few hours if I like it! Script name: AIO Runecrafter Number: 238771
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