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Everything posted by PlagueDoctor

  1. Thanks! i can't wait to join skreptor juan.
  2. Personally i also prefer the blue. The reason for this is because your profile picture is also blue, and your name. Quite possibly if your picture was purple and your name was purple, i would prefer the purple.
  3. iz no probelm m9 . have good faun with your knew a count. spkecc some noobsx ourt rly good 4m e.
  4. very sad easybeef, we will all rembre when you got banneded.
  5. Sounds like a brilliant idea, i've often thought it would be cool to be able to manage banking without being at the computer or logging onto to runescape on your computer. Good luck!
  6. Possibly get the ID of the item and tell your script to interact with the object of that id
  7. Download/Buy a vpn. Or learn about proxies i guess.
  8. huan time i was in da wildy doing the d rag bonnes rangin the drgs like real god n i saw htis kid get specced out bye this guy calld Kinds Ranga. i was so scard i nevr went to wilder again. was rly scarry to be honest.
  9. i wud love to see. make sure u put the bong up to your butt hoel properly, make sur is very good on the butt.
  10. Thanks, will be updating and adding stuff here as i find/see it.
  11. Gonna consolidate all of the useful snippets i find or am shown by other users here, so i don't have to mess up my bookmarks. Timer Code: NPC Filtering: Timer Code #2: http://pastebin.com/W1xcJDwc Lvl 2 Enchant Ring @ Falador East Bank: (wrote this and decided not to use it ) RS2Widget enchant = getWidgets().get(218, 17); Item emeraldRing = getInventory().getItem("Emerald ring"); if(!faladorEastBank.contains(myPlayer())) { status = "Walking to falador east bank."; getWalking().webWalk(faladorEastBank); } if(!getEquipment().isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.WEAPON, "Staff of air")) { if(!inventory.contains("Staff of air")) { if(!bank.isOpen()) { status = "Opening bank."; getBank().open(); Constants.condSleep(10000, 300, () -> bank.isOpen()); } status = "Withdrawing staff of air."; bank.withdraw("Staff of air", 1); Constants.condSleep(10000, 300, () -> inventory.contains("Staff of air")); } getEquipment().equip(EquipmentSlot.WEAPON,"Staff of air"); status = "Equiping Staff of air."; Constants.condSleep(10000, 300, () -> getEquipment().isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.WEAPON, "Staff of air")); } if(!getInventory().contains("Emerald ring") || !getInventory().contains("Cosmic rune")) { if(!bank.isOpen()) { status = "Opening bank."; getBank().open(); Constants.condSleep(10000, 300, () -> bank.isOpen()); } status = "Depositing inventory."; getBank().depositAllExcept("Emerald ring", "Cosmic rune"); Constants.condSleep(10000, 300, () -> inventory.onlyContains("Cosmic rune")); status = "Withdrawing cosmics/emerald rings."; bank.withdrawAll("Cosmic rune"); bank.withdrawAll("Emerald ring"); Constants.condSleep(10000, 300, () -> inventory.contains("Emerald ring", "Cosmic rune")); } if(inventory.contains("Emerald ring", "Cosmic rune")) { if(bank.isOpen()) { status = "Closing bank."; bank.close(); } if(!getTabs().open(Tab.MAGIC)) { status = "Opening Magic tab."; getTabs().open(Tab.MAGIC); } if(enchant != null && enchant.isVisible()) { enchant.interact(); status = "Clicking enchant."; if(getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY)) { if(emeraldRing != null) { status = "Clicking emerald ring."; emeraldRing.interact(); } Constants.condSleep(10000, 300, () -> getTabs().open(Tab.MAGIC)); } } } Players are nearby: public boolean imAlone() { Area area = alchSpot;//create your own area int amount = 0; for (Player player: players.getAll()) { if (player != null && !player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(myPlayer().getName())){ if (area.contains(player)) { amount++; } } } return amount == 0; }
  12. I aslo want axe, i cnot cut wood cus i dnt have wun. My favoright pooter is htis one.
  13. You might have seen me shit posting in the chatbox or posting scripts/crys for help. I'm a scripter hopeful. Love to receive criticism, provided that its somewhat polite. Currently doing a diploma in Information Systems at a university in Whangarei, New Zealand. Going down to Media Design School in Auckland next year to do a degree in Game Programming(Software engineering)(Auckland is one of the main/larger cities in New Zealand.). Have a moderate understanding of C# and am hastily improving my understanding of Java currently. Was diamond in league of legends a season or two ago, so my e-peen is pretty huge (pls no hate i like to play children's games).
  14. if (cow != null) { if (cow.interact("Attack")){ new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @[member='Override'] public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return myPlayer().getInteracting() != null; } }.sleep(); } Ah i see, very nice. Sorry if i wasted anyones time by proxy. I quite enjoyed helping him cause i was learning stuff as i went aswell. Edit: http://pastebin.com/i9Tw935f - code is now like so. Thanks for the link Manner, looks like it will work well. This is very useful, i'm going to read up on this as well. Thanks for posting.
  15. Sorry guys i helped him rewrite the script differently lul. I didn't know how to fix the issues with the way he wrote it so i showed him another way to write it and explained it to him. I told him i could be wrong though :<. It works though. Here's how his code is now http://pastebin.com/PEeiMSfh (does the job) I've told him to ask me about the parts of it he doesn't understand and i'll explain it. I did this before i read this thread btw. edit: i've never made a combat script before fyi
  16. This is fucking hilarious.
  17. Straight autism memes s0n

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