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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Bella1337

  1. to steal 2000 silks... ill do it for 40m.
  2. same problem vpn's dont help
  3. everytime i make new accounts to bot after i loged out and hop worlds its getting locked https://gyazo.com/8a0dfe08bb0df62918f5b63a3cb90b40
  4. wouldn't 91 rc be the same price as 99? as only upside to 99 is the skill cape and 91 is double nats
  5. is that the fastest method of making planks?
  6. Bella1337

    Stealth Quester

    @Token can i please have a trail of this script
  7. its a warning ban you get your account back in 2 days next time will be perm
  8. Bella1337

    7qp accounts

    wrong place to post @Saiyan
  9. is it a guy called brody or something?
  10. i dont use tabs still only run 3 bots
  11. i have similar problem i have 8 Gb ram windows 10 low CPU mode checked but i can run 3 bot clients open and run at 75-98 Cpu witch is high
  12. gets stuck on skill worlds like 500+skill total etc
  13. ok so 2.3m for 64 agility and full graceful? need on my ironman is cake ok for food?
  14. does anyone on osbot with solid feedback / rep for doing 1 def /1 pray fire capes
  15. interested in this what happens if my account is ban will be a fresh level 3 off tut island im looking for 1-80 agility (1,986,068xp )
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