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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Bella1337

  1. its a gamble you could do 1 clue and be done or go 500+ dry
  2. was thinking 90m and 1-2 scripts of yours
  3. brought script theres a bug when making gold ammulets (u) walks back and forth doing nothing i sent u private message of the script doing it cuz it has rsn in it
  4. howd u get twc within a few mins?
  5. i have 122 but 1754 total has 50% ban meter void fire cape b gloves etc
  6. https://gyazo.com/a090eb1ac7c8e5fd64d4a1bf7599e379 has a 50% ban over 2 years ago though
  7. blocks his name but his rsn is whale
  8. lol i must been lucky jamez did me lunar quest last nite for 5.5m , i had 50m in items / bring i torso slayer helm i fire cape etc and not get scammed
  9. Bella1337

    lunar quest

    Paying 5.5m for lunar quest must have decent feed back must buy items for quest
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