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Posts posted by THS

  1. Yeah no point to waste time checking bans. Just make new accounts and move on

    Was curious coz sweeped 2 days in a row lolz. managed to replace entire farm in 3 hours raping my own CPU just to get cucked the next morning, feelsbadman.


    Seems like Macroing Major is the go-to now though, all good. Shot boiz

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  2. are you botting and being banned on the same ip, as it will flag up previous bans had this a few times no problem when using proxies


    Yeah was going to refresh my proxies, all accounts on my method are being fucked though so it's probably not that.

    But that's irrelevant.


    Was just wondering if anyone gets gold farming bans anymore specifically.

  3. Got up today to boot up the operation, got sweeped across 5 different IP's. No biggy, planned to spend the rest of the day rebuilding since this hasn't happened before and my process is pretty streamlined these days.


    When I'm making accounts to use I register with the old blabla+1.... blabla+2 to save some time, even though registering accounts with confirmation (arguably) doesn't matter, I do it anyway for extra peace of mind.

    In doing so, I have a large excess of lvl 3 handmade accs that I leave stewing for on average ~2 weeks before I even use them. So I'll pick from these at random, usually by creation date to use the oldest before I pick the next newest and so on, simple right.


    To my surprise, a couple of these accounts have been banned before they even did anything (literally nothing lol).


    This was because (I assume) someone intentionally searched the additions to this email by the numbers. I only make 4 or 5 per email and adding numbers, so this was pretty odd.


    Can I assume that some fucker actually went through that much effort?

    - I've never actually been sweeped across ALL my proxies in one night, usually it's just a stray few across the board.

    - These accounts were doing nothing and had never ever been touched by any automated process, all hand-done by a human.


    Thoughts? Anyone had this happen to them? Makes me think they're really ramping up their processes to crack down on these things.


    Nonetheless, word to the wise, you're never safe, even the virgins.




    Edit: Shit just got weirder.


    I double checked the ban dates on these accounts, of which there are 6 so far. They all stem from 18th Dec, the same day or the day after they were created. I did tutorial island on these using OSBuddy and received this message in my account section as the evidence:


    Account banned for macroing in OldSchool. Our macro detection system has been monitoring your account closely and has detected that you are using illegal 3rd party software which violates the rules of the game and breaches your terms of service with Jagex. Our team have reviewed the evidence and can confirm that you were using illegal botting software. Jagex are able to accurately detect all illegal 3rd party software and any promises from their makers about being 'totally undetectable' or 'no ban guaranteed' are inaccurate. As such your account has been permanently removed from game. This is not an appealable offence and we will not review it should you contact us by email, ticket or social media. Please take this time to familiarise yourself with the rules should you wish to create another account.

    These were all accounts that went from +2/+3/+4. The +1 in two cases had been botting P2P for the last week and it wasn't hit with the same thing.
    I'm so lost, if it were something that could be appealed, I actually should lmfao.
  4. yeah actually you are, marijuana can overtake your body and make you do irrational things. wouldn't surprise me if you've done things you'd regret under the influence of the drug's toxins and not even remembered once your body's immune system has removed to marijuana cells


    das it mane

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