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Posts posted by THS

  1. 5 minutes ago, irwtonrs1 said:

    I mean it as in you're obviously not going to go and unlock the accounts so its pretty much like getting banned

    What reason/message were you greeted with on this 'lock'?

    I understand people have got their workarounds now, but I just need to figure out that I have the same problem first, then I'll cross that bridge.

    5 minutes ago, Abuse said:

    From my experience (Had thousands of accounts locked / banned past two weeks), bans and locks are the same thing when it comes to tutorial island detection.

    Same as above ^ What message were you greeted with on these 'locks'?

    People are interchaging the term and I'm getting confused, when it's two different things.

  2. Just now, irwtonrs1 said:

    locked, banned its pretty much the same thing 


    Just now, SofaKin said:


    Oh is that the case? (Didn't mean to snap btw). On the other threads I specifically asked if it was locked or banned, since those are two different things. I got answered with locked as in flagged for a hijacking then logging in/checking the problem and being told they're banned.

    So I am indeed facing the exact same issue? It's all bans not locks?

    Appreciate the help

  3. 2 minutes ago, SofaKin said:

    I can sell you some tut island accounts. Friend helped me out with accounts locked. 

    Accounts weren't locked, gtfoh.

    4 minutes ago, irwtonrs1 said:

    step ur game up or quit the goldfarm life mang

    Been doing this for years, never ran into this problem lol. Not giving up on something so petty, probly the easiest workaround I just havn't clicked to yet.

  4. Was troubleshooting my bans, figured I'd just hand-do everything to try and rule out a couple problems.

    Process consisted of:

    1. Hand Registering fresh F2P account
    2. Hand Running it through tutorial island
    3. Hand training to required stats for method

    - Again, all of which was done by hand, on OSBuddy, on my home IP (I've also recently moved into a new house, no chance of crossover).

    And I actually got banned for Macroing Major lol, if it was possible to appeal I'd have every grounds for it.


    Also after that, later on in the day I did some more painstaking registering/tutorial running.

    Those accounts have now been banned for Macroing Major and not locked, so I can't assume it's the same problem everyones been having with fresh accs.


    What am I to make of this lol?

  5. 11 hours ago, Jardem said:

    Just checked on 4 accounts I had created spread over the past 2 days over different internet connections: I did their tutorial islands just today 4 times succesively by hand in a timespan <1h, e.g. login on one account, finish tut island and logout. Login the next, finish tut island and logout, .. -All of this was done on the OSBot client but no single script was launched-

    Now less than 2 hours later I tried logging in and found them all disabled perm banned for macroing.. I will try to do the same but now do 1 tutorial island / hour,..

    Sad times, just had the ball rolling

    Sounds like a client problem, obviously.

  6. Just now, jackshow said:

    To contribute to this thread though, accounts do get locked after creation. But not so steadily as irwt is trying to say they are

    Locked or Banned? Trying to figure out what end of the two problems I'm having this applies to.

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