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Posts posted by THS

  1. Authed doge.png

    It's working fine for me, but you should try running Witch's House before 


    Definitely struggling with Witch's House, I thought it would buy runes/ammo to safespot final 2 forms, is this something you've considered? Fisting this is suicide for the next 6 hours xD


    Edit: Never mind, scoured the other posts to find that I should just use the NMZ option, i'll give it a whirl.


      Model Name: MacBook Pro

      Model Identifier: MacBookPro9,2

      Processor Name: Intel Core i5

      Processor Speed: 2.5 GHz

      Number of Processors: 1

      Total Number of Cores: 2

      L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB

      L3 Cache: 3 MB


      Memory: 16 GB



    Yeah 2 cores ain't gonna handle shit.


    + macbook lul


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