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  1. vickershd

    Stealth Quester

    seem to be having issue with ascent from arceus too, wouldnt walk or teleport to start the quest, speaking with mori it wouldnt proceed the dialogue at quest start this is in mirror mode, and so was my previous comment
  2. vickershd

    Stealth Quester

    hey bro, seems to get stuck with eagles peak when collecting feathers, just stands at entrance of the cave, once you have collected the feathers, you should go to varrock to the fancy dress shop, i noticed the bot doesnt take a teleport method to varrock either/ i have just manually taken it back to varrock and made the eagle suit, the bot ran back then stood at entrance to the cave again just manually had to put on the eagle outfit and steal the feather, seems to be going by itself again now. ill update with anything else went to the next room and got stuck looking for the tracks, im not not even sure what part its trying to do, but anytime using the cave system it just stands around
  3. i actually have no idea how to use this UI xD
  4. vickershd

    Stealth Quester

    hey bro noticed some issues with ascent of arceuus when needing to kill the ghouls camera faces east but doesn't attack any in the room, had to do this manually might have just been camera angle. also when trying to find the device it wondered off away from the area needed to be searched and just stood around, had to find this myself too also when finishing the quest the bot wouldn't go and speak to the lord and would just keep walking in and out of the main doors to the tower keep up the good work
  5. any chance of getting this updated so we can use the loom at falador farm running from draynor bank ?
  6. ive only just bought this script, but ive noticed that it doesnt like to withdraw from the bank eg. staff of air, law runes, hat. the items are in plain sight but doesnt find them
  7. there is no error messages, its just bad positioning of the cannon and where you stand to fight. the bot literally stands on top of the cannon position so the trolls attack you too close to it so it cant hit them. on return of death from trolls it bought more food from g.e collected it as noted then ran back to the trolls with my cash stack and no armour, ring of life, or teleport
  8. troll slayer task needs to be looked at aswell, bot stands on top on the cannon position so the cannon literally cannot shoot them also left bank to run to task with noted food and my cash stack
  9. hey bro, whats up with it getting stuck? stands at the bank not doing anything while banking at varrock bank, and sometimes buys items from GE but then stands there again doing nothing
  10. having issue, was working perfectly before the update, now it just stands at the bank and does nothing
  11. vickershd

    Stealth Quester

    hey bro me again another small report, not too sure what happened but during the dig site quest it lost the "trowel" and was stood standing around trying to find the artifact as it couldnt dig. i wasnt baby sitting it so i dont know how the trowel was lost but can be simply fixed by returning to the examiner to get another but has to be manually done also as i was trying to find out what part of the quest i was on, i was reading through guide. not sure how much it affects the time but when finding the zaros talisman it should be digging in the north east dig spot where it was digging in one of the central spot and was taking ages to find it during tourist trap it got stuck when you need to kill mercenary guard for the key to get into the gate and free one of the prisoners thanks
  12. vickershd

    Stealth NMZ

    from what ive hear mirror mode is alot better for ban rates as stealth mode puts something into the coding that makes it more detectible for jagex, wether this is true or not im not 100% as im not a coder myself but i vouch for mirror mode, also using vpn/proxy helps
  13. vickershd

    Stealth Quester

    hey bro, ive noticed that the bot gets stuck during some parts of regicide, it was stuck going to kill the tyrant and had to do this manually and the dialog back at the elf camp afterwards it also go stuck with also during the tears of guthix quest the bot didnt seem to jump over the stepping stone
  14. vickershd

    Stealth Quester

    hey bro. i noticed during death plataeu quest as you come up to the montian to talk to the guy in the hut, as you go to knock on the door the bot doesnt realise that the gate infront of it is shut and continues to try to get to there door unless the gate is manually opened. not sure if this was due to camera angle or something mirror mode
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