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  1. Hi, just wanted to report the following: it does not pickup runes when inventory is full of food, even though a stack of those specific runes are already in inv and could be picked up. Could you fix that?
  2. Hi Czar, just wanted to verify the following: when high alching, it seems to randomly right click high alch, which seems very botlike to me. It this supposed to happen or am I doing something wrong?
  3. Hi Czar, fruit stalls still dont seem to work for me, have jug of wines in my inv but everytime i start the bot it runs away and waits, than walks back and starts thieving but obviously you'll get attacked by the dogs because they are no longer in the safespot. It than runs away again because its under attack. This makes fruit thieving completely useless. Can you fix this or am i doing something wrong?
  4. Didn't bot since tuesday last week. Used this bot (and not any other script) for one hour yesterday and received a 2 day ban today. Do with it what you will.
  5. When i want to thieve fruit stalls and setup a tile, after setting the tile it keeps running to the bank and than runningback? while the dogs are already lured behind pillars so not under attack. Why is that? I cant thieve fruit stalls this way...
  6. What would a account with 85 mining be worth (and a couple neglible stats)? I'm willing to sell it, of course with a couple days cool down. No registered e-mail.
  7. So how many hours do you bot per day, do you take breaks on a day and do you do it everyday? Do you switch up skills per day ?
  8. Please look into the seers rooftop. It is very, very botlike. When it wants to jump a gap, it clicks jumping gap twice. It clicks the gap for the second time while jmping the gap. Also, the path neems to be the same every time?
  9. Im fletching maple shortbows and when it starts fletching, it selects the first fletched bow in the inventory without any reason. After its done fletching the inventory, it idles for a couple of seconds. why is this and can this be fixed? Im fletchig at GE
  10. Please fix this? It hasnt been working for like a week now.
  11. Thank you for your kind/prompt response. As far as I have seen, it does it every time.
  12. At gnome stronghold course, it clicks again on the pipe when the character is going through the pipe. This is extremely botlike. Please fix this.
  13. I've used it for 2-2.5 hours max per day untill lvl 96, wouldnt really risk doing more since stun alch is pretty click intensive and boring and someone playing legit wouldnt last long doing that. You could try doing more but ive been pretty succesful this way, no ban and been doing it from like lvl 75 or so (curse alch). Also, make you sure you find a anomynous place where no one will run into you stun alching and report you or w/e. Do you have lunar magicks? You could do the tan hide spell or spin flax spell, both make money and with spin flax spell you also get crafting xp. Its less xp than stun alcing but at least you dont lose money.
  14. Hi, I want to use superglass make, however its really slow? when it banks the molten glass it made, it idles for like 5 seconds before withdrawing seaweed/bucket of sand which really lowers the xp per hour. Can you fix this? Much appreciated.
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