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  1. I have experienced this when testing my local scripts. Didn't happen in the past, now when the auto-solvers for login and welcome are processing, the UI is completely unresponsive including the script selection window. Once login succeeds script selection closes and script starts. If login fails, the UI is stuck and cannot be interacted with.
  2. @Alek It actually still feels weird to think that your moving on now, if it wasn't for your kind words when you started I probably wouldn't have kept trying to get better in my scripts, which albeit aren't that great considering my inactivity but damn I will miss you. You've seriously been a huge person in this community. Seriously best of luck in your future, I hope you enjoy the absolute hell out of your new job ?. Best of luck bro.
  3. Wow dude, never thought this day would even come! Sounds like you've got some awesome stuff coming up in your future so enjoy it man!
  4. HAPPY MFN HALLOWEEN ALEK YOU ARE OUR SAVIOUR. Legit though this is so damn great.
  5. Does this occur when you are trying to run multiple instances of OSBot or does it happen regardless of how many you have open? Are you using the -debug argument?
  6. Read through this, https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/enum.html It explains what an Enum is and how to use it in basic and more advanced ways. Currently in the middle of studying for exams which are coming up in a week or two so couldn't tutor you atm, wouldn't need any payment if I did either. Mr Pro Pop has a thread regarding him tutoring people for free so check him out.
  7. If your going to use teamviewer, use the Meeting mode, this way users an feel safe and not have to worry about any security problems. Metting mode is essentially like skype share screen however you can click and it makes an indicator to the person computer that you are pointing there. (No actual interaction with their PC occurs). Also could you post an example of some code you've written thats well documented and an explanation of what happens, so that if there is anything not quite right or that people like Token etc might think you need work on first, because it could be more harm than good to teach people bad habits if you have any. Not implying that you are or aren't just wanna make sure that new programmers learn the best. Also, really awesome that your doing this, it's always great to see people giving back to the community.
  8. If you can't figure that out, your going to need to learn more about Java before you start working on scripts. Not meaning that in a harsh way whatsoever but things like that are very basic and you have to walk before you can run.
  9. Just had a thought. If you wanted to limit your refresh rate to say 10fps. Instead of redrawing each time in your onpaint. Have an Image stored in memory, then ever 1/10th of a second update it in your paint code. So some code off the top of my head. functions wont be right and you will have to put everything that you currently do in redrawImage and have it output to a single image of just the stuff to be drawn. currenttime = System.currentTimeMilliseconds(); if(nextdrawtime-currenttime <= 0) { storedImage = redrawImage(); nextdrawtime = currenttime+100; } g.draw(storedImage); // I know that won't be correct call, on phone and don't use paint much That would mean every 100ms it updates the storedImage with the new stuff that should be on screen then draws it. If its less than 100ms since last redraw of image, just draw image from memory, which should be a lot less resource intensive then doing all of the other stuff. In theory at least, just an idea, no clue if it will have intended effect.
  10. Don't know the cause, as have never experienced it. However an easy fix would be After your call to hopToP2PWorld, Start a conditional sleep for say 10 seconds, then have it call hoptop2pworld again if your still in the same world. It's not ideal, but it should work.
  11. Do remember though, at most there can be 2000 players on and therefore can at most be 2000 loops for it. And worst case probably like ~600 anyway. It looks neat asf so worth.
  12. Hello, In my time here, I've seen a fair few people asking how to create lots of accounts without having to create lots of emails. It's really easy, but there are some caveats. Gmail has an automatic "aliasing" function. When an email is sent to foo+bar@@gmail.com it gets sent to foo@@gmail.com, (the recipient still shows as foo+bar@@gmail.com so you can know it was sent to an alias). This allows you do do things like foo+facebook@@gmail.com, and if facebook ever shares your email, you will know because you will be getting emails from spamsite.org which is sending to foo+facebook@@gmail.com So how does this assists RS account creation. Well, when Jagex checks if an email is in use. It checks the email you entered and does not recognise you are using an alias function. This means that you can setup your accounts like so. Bot 1 is registered to foo+bot1@@gmail.com Bot 2 is registered to foo+bot2@@gmail.com Bot 3 is registered to foo+bo3@@gmail.com etc... This is really quite useful because it also means you can have stuff like Smelt Bot 1 is registered to foo+smelt1@@gmail.com Mule Bot 1 is registered to foo+mule1@@gmail.com etc... There is a single caveat to this however. I'm sure if you contacted Jagex support they would be able to fix it. However, do not use this for an account you want to actually confirm or change the email of. This is because there is a problem with the Jagex website the email confirmation/email change links DO NOT WORK, if there is a + in the email. I believe this is because of the fact that HTML uses + to concat two strings together so having foo+bot2@@gmail.com would end out as foobot2@@gmail.com in the eyes of the Jagex server and therefore, it thinks the email its getting is not the valid email for your account etc etc. Basically shit don't work. However for bot accounts this means nothing cos who verifies those anyway.
  13. You don't need to make new emails for each account. Instead do this. Gmail (and most others, but not sure how theirs work) has a function where if you add +<anything> to the end of your google username in your email. It will be forwarded to your email. For example you may have your main on trapman@@gmail.com You then sign up your bot on trapman+bot1@@gmail.com Second bot on trapman+bot2@@gmail.com etc etc etc. Jagex does not recognise that its all the same email and also (from my experience, at least with automated bans) don't ban other ac counts that have trapman+ in them. Finally, Careful, Don't put a main on an account with a + in the email. Surely you could contact Jagex and get it changed (I plan on this, because I found this out from having it happen to me)/ Because there is a problem with the jagex website the email confirmation/email change links DO NOT WORK, if there is a + in the email. I believe this is because of the fact that HTML uses + to concat two strings together so having trapman+bot2@@gmail.com would end out as trapmanbot2@@gmail.com in the eyes of the Jagex server and therefore, it thinks the email its getting is not the valid email for your account etc etc. Basically shit don't work. However for bot accounts this means nothing cos who verifies those anyway.
  14. If your lagging out to 55% cpu. Check your logger. That normally happens from your logger being spammed with errors. I'm a bit too burnt out to even look at code atm. Will have a look tomorrow and see if I can help.
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