Account has 94 mage and 54 hp.
Need a pc on this account.
Also got a lvl 92 mage account with 10 hp which will soon be 94. Also need a pc on this acc (if the hp levels give a difference to the acc worth).
Used Fruity NMZ, Used it on average for 2-3 hours twice a day. Rocked it a few times 10-11 hours, that is prob the reason for it getting banned.
My other acc, where I only bot 2-3 hours a day with, with that nmz script didnt get a ban.
Just got one of my acc's banned with this
The account went full on with 11 hour sessions. So watch out, keep the session to 2-4 hours.
My other acc only ddid 2-3 hour sessions and isn't banned
Ye whenever I try to change password it says this.
But then again, this account was lvl 80 in all melee stats, and had some range/mage 100% botted from lvl 3 besides some quests done manually.
One of my suicide nmz accounts got kicked of the game, after the message "To many login connections" I kept pressing login which caused the account to be disabled.
Now when i try to login to either the website or game it says invalid name and password. After changing the password is keeps doing this.
When i look at the my friendlist i see that the name is a random generated name, also the name i had set is available for name change already.
No matther what, I cant login to check my account status. Does this mean that the account is deleted? and do they delete accounts often instead of banning them?
I've been testing some scripts on these 2 accounts to use on larger scale.
The experiments passed, they didn't get banned.
What are acc's like this worth?
Acc 1, Some med level with combat skills
Acc 2, A starter Zerker with some extra stats (Quested 45 def)