I might have expressed myself in a wrong way. I care more about the account, where I spent hours clicking to get kind of decent stats, quest cape etc. So even though I would get a nice compensation, it would not do the magic, if you know what I mean, but what can I do, right. I have nothing now.
I appealed the BAN and I will be waiting for the result. I might be crying a little bit here now, but I really wonder if the same would happen if I ordered dbuffed services, which was my primary intention. As we were discussing with @defil3d on discord in a friendly way, he used proxy/vpn from (for me) unknown provider. I am not an expert, but could this be the reason? As well he mentioned, that he used a bot on different account while he was leveling mine. Would that be related? Maybe he made a mistake setting up proxies?
One thing I would like to add. That morning, when @defil3d messaged me that someone was on the account, I asked him if I can change the pw, which I could not do, since it was obviously against TOS as defil3d explained. So I had no chance to protect the account anyhow, (of course in those 2 hours damage has been already done). So I was just informed that I am being ****d and there is nothing I can do. Obviously this would not happen if I would not order the service in the first place guys.
One last thing I want to add is that I appreciate both of you guys willing to cooperate, but your customer got screwed through your services, so I hope we can atleast figure out why this happened.