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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Master00j

  1. Disputed member: @Jonahftw Thread Link: Explanation: I"ve sold 55M to @Jonagftw on 12april for 36.36,- now he opend a dispute and tries to get back the money!. Evidence: Here you see he left a positive feedback for the trade --> And here you see he tries to chargeback --> Hidden
  2. Hello guys, I'm looking for someone that have a good knowledge of Travian and willing to help me to manage my account. i'm From Belguim (GMT+1) and i'm looking for someone to be online in the nights. its a dutch server but if you have the knowledge about the game the language won't be a big problem i guess. Let me know if you are interested. Discord: https://discord.gg/BgRYYu skype: drocgecacher
  3. bump back online, was busy whole weekend. Ready to take orders again
  4. your àltar script is working flawless for me althougt it would be nice that it auto reconizes if there is any house open.
  5. Could it be possible to add "train till level x and then switch to other style" Would be awseome ^^ This script is just amazing never got banned/never had issues with it. Cheers!
  6. sounds good to me yeah, could do alot of titles with this.
  7. Hey, i can do this for you: Discord: https://discord.gg/EGUT3Pb Skype: drocgecacher Price calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16o5z5Tnp5bc0Ee9as03x6OUQexAaSAf-Zos4K2B3KVc/edit#gid=505204740 (Slayer can be discussed on Discord/Skype Start date: within next 6hrs Approx end date: Hard to tell
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