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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Basic

  1. They don't ask for it. Nor do people post tags here (It's my specialty), I'm actually really excited that you're here. It's nice to have another tagger on this forum once again. I'll be rough on you, but think of it as friendly roughness.
  2. Basic

    New Head Designer

    I love senty but if you're going to suggest someone then please post a reason :p
  3. If you can't take criticism then you shouldn't post in this sub forum. PM me if you ever want to collab
  4. No offense to Jordan whatsoever, but he is not active at all. Basically my suggestion is for the staff team to choose an active designer that knows his shit, to be promoted to Head Designer. Simple Yes/No.
  5. ab·stract art noun art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures. If you're using a humanoid in your tag, it automatically disqualifies you from claiming that it's "abstract".
  6. This is not abstract. this is You can't use that excuse if your tag looks random. You have little to none compo and atmo. There's hardly any depth as-well.
  7. Looks like they're single digit anyways.
  8. Basic

    my dog

    kawaaaaaaaiiii ^_^
  9. Basic

    my dog

    make it an emoticon kthx oh ye and he's my dog, his name is scout smile so lovely xo
  10. Basic

    investment advice

    what's a dog have anything to do with it Anyways, there's multiple things you could do. - Buy bonds and scripts, make a farm, profit x4. - Invest in common items like runes, tabs, herbs, etc. - YOLO STAKE
  11. bro this is actually dope asf
  12. Seeing as I'm one of the only taggers here, I'll give you some constructive criticism.
  13. Basic


    donate $5 to help nobody whatsoever except for my bank account
  14. Basic


    http://www.twitch.tv/inb4retro http://www.twitch.tv/inb4retro http://www.twitch.tv/inb4retro http://www.twitch.tv/inb4retro http://www.twitch.tv/inb4retro come watch fam CURRENTLY ONLINE.
  15. It's not a single player game, one player can not carry the others on his back.
  16. How many days does it have left. Cause that's why that price is $80
  17. Selling kissing lessons 10m/ea
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