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Mashiro Shiina

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Mashiro Shiina

  1. 150$ - 200$ depends on the person I'm been trying to sell mine takes forever
  2. Yea putting it for 60M Bid and AW 90M
  3. yea was abit confused cx cus i mean make 1M an hr mining
  4. Doesn't seem to hop worlds... it just sits at the Expanded Guild waiting for the ores to respawn ( runite ores ) instead of hopping worlds it just spams it doesn't hop
  5. was told 50-60M no build just randomly doing things on it making 1m / hr mining runite ore
  6. 300$+ probably hitting the 500$ mark but thats if you find the right buyer since people dont spend much on accs xD
  7. yea tried most daggers an still said needed a P++ dagger and nop the quest wasn't previous started i think it banked it or something
  8. Ran into issue on the Quest Grand Tree https://prnt.sc/m329i4 https://prnt.sc/m329nt https://prnt.sc/m329st Just keeps talking npc without the bark - it seems to store them instead of keeping them on inventory Also Quest Storm of Shadows It says you need a Dagger Posion ++ but on the equipment it doesn't let you equip one
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