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  1. or i had it and he wasnt online and now i dont have any but getting more
  2. i dont have the 07 yet but will contact teamcape via skype and pay asap
  3. thanks for the extra time to respond i havent been onlibe much recently
  4. Hi i fully intend to pay but OP can't accept paypal and I didn't have the 07 at the time whenever OP msgs me I can pay sorry for the hassle
  5. http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Western_Provinces_Diary hard diary or only start MM2 and go thru the maze.
  6. Gl questing can be fun if you pay attention and its not like a service.
  7. there are only 3 relevant plants and each requires ascending con levels bagged plants 1 take about 15 mins to bagged plant 2 and bagged plant 2 takes about 10 mins to 30 con/farm. not sure gp p/xp for each but using the best bagged 1 2 or 3 you can is the fastest xp but pricey. 1-30/30 on bagged 1 is about 750k iirc? http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Bagged_plant_1 1500 gp / 31 farm xp + con per plant also this is clearly rs section related.
  8. I used to be able to get 3-5m if they were f2p.
  9. yes its often not a cc owner who calls it.
  10. Where are you able to change this option?
  11. Eta on Worldhop/Clan chat follow support? Idk how you plan on doing it but i'd just have bot randomly hop if player count is < x within blast minigame radius?
  12. no just totally avoid questing altogether if -30 smith maybe make it gui toggleable
  13. @CzarF2 Hide Paint? edit; also can it not force you to dorics quest knight sword and allow you to start with 15 smith?
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