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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Lucid

  1. Eclipse is only good for massive projects that you wouldn't be able to keep track of otherwise. If you're still learning Java, definitely do not use Eclipse, because you'll be missing out a lot of important details that Eclipse practically does for you. If you're creating something as simple as scripts for OSBot then Notepad++ is the way to go :p.
  2. http://www.dummies.com/how-to/computers-software/programming/java.html
  3. Seriously...? How are you trying to learn Java?
  4. Alright, I'm in need of money so I'll be doing whatever I can to build up some quick money for my needs. I've progressed alot during this season, at the end of s2 I was only 1100 elo which would equal to the upper silver league or low bronze I guess. I am in plat 5 right now myself and getting you up to the higher part of gold won't be an issue. Not really sure how much I can charge for these services so we'll just talk them through later I suppose. It'll be fairly cheap. I'd expect the services to take off pretty slow as I haven't really done any business on this forum and have next to no vouches, but I hope it'll be okay. I might do a few leagues for some individuals for free, to possibly get my name out there and gain some vouches. So yeah, just post here or PM me if you're interested. A friends account I'm playing on currently. http://puu.sh/4oYHk.jpg http://puu.sh/4oYIm.jpg
  5. Lucid

    Khazix Op

    Majority of noobs and trolls are in Diamond league O_o? Yea I know what you're on about though, just gotta stay positive and try to ignore the trolls.
  6. Lucid

    Khazix Op

    I don't really play normals at all except when I'm learning a new champion, which is the case here. Just played a ranked with Khazix though and it ended well, but the game isn't showing up on lolking yet. Yeah, it gets boring pretty fast. I've just recently started playing the game again.
  7. Lucid

    Khazix Op

    http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/32601912#history started playing him seriously today and he is quite fun to play.
  8. Will there by any scripts available to start with? xD
  9. I hate how everything always gets released at like 5 am for us europeans ;( oh well, I'll be there when I wake up :P
  10. Didn't p****bot go to court with them too and win?
  11. Looks pretty plain, but I guess that doesn't matter as long as it gets the job done
  12. How advanced will it be upon release? I hope not comparable to wbot where you'll have to babysit your bot literally all the time.
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