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Bronze Poster

Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Hey , could you activate a trial for me please
  2. Just wondering how much it worth. Hand trained, created account 2006ish never been botted, mm done
  3. trial please looks good
  4. Really smooth and easy to use seems flawless. Thanks again for trial.
  5. rubbbed

    Deadman Mode

    Flipping is crazy stupid money atm if you got base cash and some time. got nat theif running while i Flip on main. $$
  6. OHHHHH sorry man! Completely forgot about that, My apologies i thought i had cancelled my subscription. Thanks for clearing this up had me pretty worried ! Feel like an idiot hahaha Mod pls close thread. My mistake
  7. Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone has had any issue with paypal At 3.34 NZT (new zealand time) This morning someone with the name (G2B sales) Attempted to take 24 nzd (16 USD ) from my pay pal acc as my acc is linked with my credit card my bank denied the transaction luckily, has anyone else had this occur is my credit card comprimised? i have since removed my card from paypal and put a hold on overseas transactions. Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else Cheers
  8. rubbbed

    Stealth Quester

    hey mate could i grab a trial Looks like an insane script!
  9. Nerf that anti ban far too OP
  10. Loving so far just started acc this morning with fresh proxy ip going well. Using oaks / tele tab / stam
  11. Haha, i got 3 accs banned last night over 15m over them. Was planking but yeah never bot on your main or an account you don't wanna lose. Those 3 were just a few of my farmers, main and pk accs safe for now :P
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