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  1. geoleo36


    Maybe you also want a total 2277 and ull pay half way or end? Im in
  2. Nice script, would you combine it with a nightmare zone script so it would schedule some nmz point farming as well?
  3. geoleo36

    Bulk order

    discord is : ios osrs#8292 i can play many accounts same time im multylogger up to 20 on afk lvling
  4. helo i just bought this script its running well but it has no paint ... is this the way it is or i have to do something for it to appear? i guess the second , thanks
  5. it depends if u are a "low botter" boting a little and occasionally then ur main most likely wont get banned but if u are a mass botter selling loads of gold then all ur acc wil lget banned for rwting
  6. what kind of script is that bro?
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