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Everything posted by Etnies

  1. looking for an acc with 50 quested attack, 50-60 str 50-60 range 60-70 mage looking to spend about 10-15m, post pictures and offers
  2. i have one, 1/60/1 would sell for 5m
  3. I have an account with 50 magic, but not the con level needed.
  4. i have one with 7 attack 60 str 6 def, and random stats, i'd sell for 5m
  5. I have one with 47 magic, and halo, no top, i'd sell for 20m
  6. I have a 1 attack 61 str 24 range acc would sell for 5m, PM me if interested
  7. I have jsut the acc you're looking for, 99 wc, 47 magic 27 hp 51 mining, PM me if you're interested! or add my skyper osb.etnies
  8. i have a 95 magic acc i got from anivia, has dt completed, 60 attack and verious skills would sell for 20m
  9. Etnies

    Request [Pure]

    I have an acc 94 magic 60 attack 63 range i'd sell for fairly cheap
  10. i have a 60 attack 63 range 94 magic account i have i'd sell
  11. I have an acc with 95 magic, only 1 def 60 att 33 str, Anivia is the original owner
  12. not interested, would be a much much better account if you were to have quested the prayer :P rekt that mauler
  13. I have a low level acc with 99 wc, has 43 magic though
  14. Oh, i'm not interested in that at all.
  15. post offers below, would prefer a 60 str acc that was gained via barb fishing, open to other 60 str acc's, as long as ATTACK LEVEL IS 1
  16. in my experience I've gotten gold farming perm bans if I bot things like wc / fishing / mining, but 2 day bans if I do something like agility or magic
  17. Etnies


    I have a 99 wc acc with 41 magic on it, 1 def and 1 all other stats, would sell for relativally cheap
  18. added on skype, got one with 63, willing to sell cheap
  19. I have a main that i could do death to the dorg, has 60 melee stats and 50 range/mage and 126 qps, would sell for 7m
  20. What bots were they? only gold farming bots?
  21. I'll probably look into doing something like this then, I'm just wanting 99 magic :P
  22. So an auto clicker is safer? even though you click on the same pixel over and over and over again? also, what if i was using mirror mode?
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