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Everything posted by Juggles

  1. I believe mouseSpeed was removed from the API.
  2. My Scripts are elite Goodluck with this! This guy comes up with some amazing gold farming methods
  3. Juggles

    High Level Main

    Day 4: Trying to level attack to 70 to start training with a Sara Sword
  4. Copy and paste this into notepad. Save the file as .bat cd C:/Users/%username% for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /s /od /b OSBot*.jar') do set recent=%%x java -jar "%recent%" -allow lowresource,lowcpu -login Username:Password -bot username:password:pin -proxy ip:Host echo %recent% pause You can of course choose the ones you want. Delete proxy if you don't want to use it. You can add more as you like also
  5. Goodluck it is very profitable
  6. No problem If you ever have any questions, just message me
  7. I also want to know the price of 70/70/70 accounts since they can be made in less than a week and sold off
  8. Thanks for that Thanks guys I appreciate the support. I just wanted to show that anyone can learn java and make their own scripts. Saw that you have been releasing some scripts! Congratz man, I knew you could do it
  9. Glad the guide helped you! For anyone else interested, here it is http://osbot.org/forum/topic/104173-guide-to-gold-farmin/#entry1163311
  10. 2 days straight running no breaks and still not banned Computer froze on hour 51
  11. 1 day 8 hour proggie my account still going strong
  12. Juggles

    High Level Main

    imp catcher/fight arena/waterfalls/witch house/vampire slayer
  13. Post price Trusted only
  14. This user is spamming for post count. Please reset his post count @@Saiyan @Solutuion @@Maldesto
  15. How much would it cost?
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