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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Juggles

  1. resellers buying at 1.05
  2. Well its not an OSbot related issue soo...
  3. Breaking Bad Orange is the new black The 100 Grey's Anatomy Lost Prison Break Limitless Agents of Shield
  4. Yeah I know how to import the accounts but I want to be able to select all the options one time only without doing each account indivually. Unless im doing it wrong, once you click Add, it takes you to a new screen and next to accounts you must select an account you imported. It would be better if you could just select all so you could do all 50 accounts at once instead of each one individually
  5. I am a newb, took me 3 hours to complete tut island
  6. Can buy it all for $40 Skype: Joey-bots if interested
  7. Didn't know people still did "weekend botting" Just start the bots on monday and they will last 7days+
  8. Is there a way to make it list al of the accounts without having to click the add button each time For example, I click add then next to accounts there's an option to add all. Would be easy to input like 50 accounts this way in a matter of seconds instead of doing each one individually.
  9. 1. Account 1: Account 2: Account 3: Account 4: SOLD Account 5: SOLD Account 6: SOLD 2. All accounts have no bans on them 3. All accounts have no membership on them 4. I am the original owner of all accounts. They all have unverified emails. Post offers below or contact me if interested. 3.5m/account
  10. Highly recommend everyone to buy this script. I love it
  11. Well it's botting. Of course you'll get banned eventually.
  12. I can sell you up to 200. 350k each
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