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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Juggles

  1. Well putting another 50 on them now
  2. Wish it was better on mobile
  3. You can't state a reason... You just type your username, display name and email to con tact you and then they'll tell you whether you get unbanned or not
  4. Took me like 3 weeks to get a reply
  5. I like the idea of typing how much worth was traded but not that it has to add to 100m before getting 1fb
  6. 2/2 accounts unbanned. Waiting for more responses
  7. Around most OSRS communities, people view NEGATIVE as scamming and do not trade with those people. Even I try not to interact with anyone if they have a negative feedback
  8. I do it on my main. I usually bot my main 6-9 hours a day then do some questing/slayer at night on osbuddy. Never been banned doing it
  9. @Lucki Doing Ernest the chicken, Animal Magnetism, Nature Spirit, and Dragon slayer.
  10. I got my max main unbanned today no ban meter
  11. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) Has some chaotics and a royal crossbow and alot of charms 4. Pictures of the quests completed 146 quests. You can see it in the first pic. 5. The price you will be starting bids at Starting bid: 100m osrs 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account none 7. The methods of payment you are accepting osrs 8. Your trading conditions You go first 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address Username login.
  12. They must make money else they wouldn't bot it
  13. Thinking about remaking the script and adding options for single combat zone and multi combat zone and combat potions and super combat potions support and an option to not need food for it to attack. Anything else you guys would like to see
  14. Bro I studied like 12 hours a day for the past 4 days. And I still messed up on a simple Edman Degradation question
  15. That biochem exam was rough
  16. Juggles MiddleMan Services I charge 2% of the trade value. Trade's i do: OSRS Gp - Paypal/BTC/Other $ OSRS GP - RS3 Account(s) - RsGp Can do other things as well. Form: Only fill out form after we're in a groupchat on skype and I've told you to. TOS: I am not responsible for anything that happens after the trade. You will leave feedback after the trade is complete. I will help out to the best of my ability if a dispute over the trade ever occurs. Discord: Juggles#6302
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