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Everything posted by u33

  1. I have one for you bro! Skype: live:amarinas1
  2. Welcome, I have a maxed pure for sale if you're interested! hmu
  3. u33

    Fruity NMZ

    @fruity how do i setup to where it doesnt bank my rune pouch or blood runes? Im trying to train my mage
  4. u33

    Fruity NMZ

    For rock cake 1 hp rapid heal absorption, it doesnt reclick when the absorption is low, it hits like 450 then drinks it back up to 500.. which makes the round quick. also at the beginning it absorbs till 500, when it should do it till 1000, then absorb back up to 1000 when the absorb # is low.. it should be 2-3 hour sessions, how this is working atm its 30mins-1hour rounds u shud also make a flick quick pray aswell ;3 for eagle eye and rapid heal @@Fruity
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