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Trade With Caution
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About Ornamental

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  1. Selling OSRS Gold | Send me ur skype through pm so we can negotiate about the price.

  2. Ornamental


    That doesn't mean you got banned by Czar's script I've been using his thiever on SDMM and i got 99 thief and i was suiciding. ( Still not banned after 1.5 week ) Both scripters are great, and you can't argue about the fact you can get banned, even when using Khal's or Czar's script.
  3. I can sell you this if you like. I've sent you a pm with my skype.
  4. Whups didn't knew that lol thanks for saying !
  5. Is it possible to make this deadman friendly ? Since when you do this in DMM you will get levels, which the bot doesn't skip on. ( Doesn't move after you got a level ) Example : The fishing part / cooking / woodcutting ( every time the dialogue of a level achieved pops up, the bot stops moving and i have to click on it manually )
  6. I think that would work 'Like memberships, Riot Points or even something like pizza' Not sure about the pizza tho
  7. The script won't run when i try to steal ' seed stalls ' Error :
  8. Thanks for the quick snippet, i'll test this out later and i'll let you know if it worked I didn't ignore... I was replying to Khaleesi when he posted that ...
  9. So how am i going to fix this then ? I don't really get it
  10. It does interact actually i've tested it several times, but after it picked the berry, the bot just stands still. What do you mean by this ?
  11. It doesn't change the config thats why its the same
  12. So as the title says, i do have a problem when i pick a berry from a cadava bush and then it doesn't move on to the next state. I have tried several ways to fix this and even with the walking after the interact it still doesn't walk, it just stands still
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