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  1. Could I have a trial please?
  2. Needs an option to just rely on auto-retaliate; for example in NMZ it will physically click the next monster when it's way simpler to just let it AFK and retaliate, seems very bot-like. Also, safespot mode still doesn't work, it often will range a monster run back a bit but not all the way to the safespot tile and will die
  3. Anyway you could make this support anchovy pizzas + making raw pies?
  4. @Czar Safespotting is still real buggy too
  5. I'm running this client yeah, I think the main issue is that when it's out of prayer pots it sometimes just keeps fighting until a full inv, except of course it's going to die if it does this. Also when it recharges at the altar it just runs south of the building and gets stuck, so it's super obvious when I see people standing in this spot that they are botting Also sand crabs doesn't move mouse outside screen when the option is ticked Love the script, I use it everyday!
  6. BBDs are very buggy - sometimes works flawlessly, other times it won't move away from the dragon, nor use antifire, nor bank/pray at altar. Have died numerous times because it won't move away even with option ticked
  7. Mid to upper west side of crabclaw doesn't reset properly, it doesn't run far enough and then continues to run back and forth. It currently runs north, I would suggest that it run further north or far to the southeast as an easy fix
  8. Safespot doesnt seem to be working, it will attack something far away and then not return to the spot - have died several times as have my friends
  9. Ended up buying - very nice script, but needs support for shift-dropping AND razor-backed kebbits!!
  10. Does this support woodcutting for deadfall?
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