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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by KappaBug

  1. dont c blast furnace anywhere on sdn?
  2. no more jealous if you got away with botting 99 agility "if you did"
  3. 35m time 2-3 weeks i play round 6-7hrs
  4. 99 agility confrim botted xd
  5. i have a 122 cb with 92 range 96 mage 70 pray maxed melee 80+ slayer 200 quest pts 1750+ total has a half way ban from botting in 2014
  6. KappaBug


    can do this add my skype bard.ross
  7. 30.5m for all time 4 days you first or verified middleman
  8. bard.ross time -1 hour -1 1/2 hrs cost 1.5m
  9. any know where i can download or watch Warcraft the beginning ?
  10. any interest in 30 smithing 10 mining accounts for blast furnace no email set no bans fake login emails
  11. how do you have a ban for botting but no ban meter?
  12. Starting a Blast Furnace account shop all hand done selling in groups of 5's meaning must buy 5 -10-15 etc accounts come with 30 smithing 10 mining 2 quest points , dorics quest and knight sword. Price per account is 2m per 5 accounts. Stock: 5 Pre Ordered :0 Account stat's : https://gyazo.com/a3080094c6caed40bf84bfcc39555a05 Bans : no bans/mutes membership : none Trading conditions : you first , 07 gp only oo : is me accounts have fake email logins and are unregistered
  13. 25m per account you supply training items etc my skype is bard.ross
  14. KappaBug

    Load of Quests

    5m add my skype bard.ross
  15. 1. Pictures of the account stats https://gyazo.com/b59acb2672e563a31da4337adf71baf2 2. Pictures of the login details https://gyazo.com/2bd4efff9db57b3422c8b66e3da15848 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) https://gyazo.com/4c4775ff23c2d29173f240c7bfad1832 4. Pictures of the quests completed https://gyazo.com/971a7ef2169fcf57fa35a87385f418a1 5. The price you will be starting bids at 5m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 40m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 gp / osbot vouchers and 07 gp 8. Your trading conditions you first on middleman 9. Pictures of the account status 50% ban meter https://gyazo.com/f1d98a45b77d69096b785e0d807547cc 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address i am oo account login email is fake but i registered the email to an email that you can have.
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