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Cookie Monstaaa

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Everything posted by Cookie Monstaaa

  1. Could i get a trial please? cant wait for xmas day got a tonne of odugh to drop on your scirpts
  2. hola , i love your scripts could i get a trial please? i already have a few wondering if i will add it to my colleciotn
  3. Hello all, I've hit a button on my computer and i've lost the status screen that shows the exp per/hr and the script run time on one of Czar's scripts. Does anyone know how to gte this screen back up? I'm sure it's one of the F keys Thanks
  4. Heeey, I know it's so strange i've never had any issues up untill a few days ago its odd. I can do! give me untill later this evening and ishall post them up
  5. Hello!, I've owned this bot for sometime now and its been ace! However, as of late it seems to be getting stuck after reparing the water wheel? It happens fairly often and i have to help the bot out to get back to mining .
  6. So, I've been around on the botting scene for numerous years now and in the passed probably pre 2013. I remember on rs2 you could bot for absolute hours and hours and never recieve a ban. Yet fast forward to today and it appears once one account has been banned on an iP the second you use any script or bot (premium or not) it's pretty much an instant ban. Of course like us all I have been banned for botting before on my current IP address and took time away from the botting scene, I came back made and ironman account. Thought I'd do agility just till 70 as it's very tedious low end of this skill. I ran it maybe for a total of 12 hours nad thankfully a temp ban. So, it leads me to my question... is the system really advanced? Has anyone made a maxed account recently and never recieved a ban on a fres IP with no human hours played? This is far from a complaint about bans, more just curiosity :)!
  7. image 2 Image 1 Hi dudes, I'm selling my unfinished gmaul pure, I don't play it anymore and was curious of what it is worth? RSGP or ££££ It is 50 attack quested 52 prayer partial quested 83 hp 92 range 94 mage 80+ str 1 def for sure! Various other skills blanked because of FAGEX! Thanks guys <3
  8. hey dude can i get a trial of AIO Cooker - $3,99 please
  9. Yeah a few scripts dude have gone odd? :s... I think it may be the update for today though?.
  10. Hey dude keep getting this message? :S
  11. Ah cheers man :), it's been well over a year since ive botted bahaha :). ty ty dude
  12. Hey all! I own a lot of scripts and have stopped for a long time, I was wondering I logged onto the bot today and updated it but it doesn't appear to be doing anything?. Java is all up to date and the scripts open but do nout?. Or am I being a *beep* and there's been an update?
  13. Hey Czar Brilliant scrit, but your update has bugged out barbairian fishing for me? :S Each time it is selected regardless of the fish, the bot will not comlete the task requested. The bot no runs to the bank and banks all the items and draws a small fishing net! :S many thanks!
  14. Hi I have had this script a long time now and it is amazing. But since the recent update you added of TASK MODE... the fisher doesn't want to do barb fishing, each time it is selected, leaping trout or sturgeon it runs to bank and starts to fish shrimp? :S
  15. to be frank dude :)... i know i have no feed back, but i wondered if any one would make any offer?
  16. Im quitting rs for uni :)... gronw up eh? :P... But id like to sell my epic pure that's my baby which i never risked to bot :D... No marks on the acc mith gloves most pure quests completed 30m bank
  17. No im not bad i got bad Internet connection theres such a lag between shot. No iavent gor jags
  18. Does any one have a download for a aimbot for cod black ops 1?.... xbox 360?
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