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Everything posted by lisabe96

  1. Great Thanks for the proggy. Keep in mind that you still can get banned though! Bot smart
  2. That examples uses the localwalker which is deprecated. See API docs for all the methods: http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Walking.html Contains webwalking, area walking, path walking and single position walking
  3. F5 button on your keyboard
  4. Anybody who got catfished in this day and age deserved it. No exceptions
  5. ► Fishes lobsters in Karamja or Catherby ► Utilizes Port Sarim deposit box when fishing at Karamja ► Multiple anti-ban modes for suiciding or training ► Simple paint with advanced tracking information Current Version: 1.0 Beta Click here to download Instructions: ► Put the downloaded JAR in your OSbot scripts folder. (c:\users\your_user\osbot\scripts\) ► Have a lobster pot and coins for the boat in your inventory ► Start the bot Please report any bugs, feedback or/and suggestions to help optimizing the script. Proggys:
  6. Same & It's just demotivating for me :p
  7. I'm not protecting my business cuz I have none, I'm protecting this idea as I've been working on it for months already ^^ And with a less feedback than this one gets in minutes ;_; And I mean to remember a similar script has been removed from the SDN before because it made standalone scripts useless
  8. Who would buy any scripts if there's 1 script that can do it all
  9. Keep in mind that there is no way that this would be allowed on the SDN. The reason why I buried a lot of ambitions on my tasker project
  10. Looking to buy a League of Legends account that meets the following criteria: - Level 30 - Unranked or bronze 5 - EUW I'm paying in BTC Hmu
  11. Hmmm the code is right though. Make sure you have no other jar's added with the same script manifest title. If you've exported jars with the same title but different jar names only 1 will be shown. So i'd recommend to be sure, remove all your local jars and export yours again
  12. It's because you have none of my scripts added You actually do, so that can't be it I doubt it's the issue but maybe try to put it in this order @ScriptManifest(author = "RandQm", info = "Qhost AI", logo = "https://i.imgur.com/WzuyltF.png" , name = "Qhost AI 5.00", version = 5.00)
  13. The code you posted should be working, try imgur
  14. It's not a font, it's shapes and freehanded
  15. That would kinda ruin the flat design I'm fairly sure
  16. None of mine got banned, but I'm using Qhost antiban of course ;)
  17. That's exactly what I used actually but the letters are not done with a font but by hand and shapes, and my 'S' was a little bit off on the edges making it like this after shades and coloring. I'll fix it up ^soon ^^
  18. Yeah that became visible when coloring it, it was white first. I'll work it away later :p
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