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Everything posted by lisabe96

  1. Haha thanks, will update that when I fixed some possible bugs if any are found/reported.
  2. Boardwalk Empire is my all time favorite, currently watching Person of interest, really good imo
  3. Cook's assistant quest completer By RandQm Features: Completes whole the quest on it's own Handles obstacles as doors/gates/... Toggles running when energy is available Uses webwalking Reasons to use this: Because why not Only takes 5 minutes Because it is believed having completed quests makes your account more legit (less chance on ban) Instructions: Do not have the supplies ready in your inventory, just start empty. Stand in the Lumbridge kitchen when starting the bot Do not interrupt the bot, it won't be able to pick up progress if you logged out in the middle of something Click here to download the JAR Code for geeks: package rqcooksassistant; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; /** * * @author randqm * */ @ScriptManifest(author = "RandQm", info = "Cooks Assistant", name = "RQ Cooks assistant", version = 1.0, logo = "") public class Main extends Script { private String status = "Starting..."; private int stage = -1; private long startTime; private void updateStage(int stage, String status) { this.stage = stage; this.status = status; } @Override public void onMessage(Message message) { switch (message.getMessage()) { case "You put the grain in the hopper.": updateStage(13, "Operating hopper controls."); break; case "You operate the hopper. The grain slides down the chute.": updateStage(14, "Going to the flour bin."); break; } } @Override public int onLoop() { log("stage: " + stage); switch (stage) { case -1: startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); updateStage(stage + 1, "Talking to cook."); break; case 0: NPC npc = npcs.closest("Cook"); if (npc != null) { npc.interact("Talk-to"); updateStage(stage + 1, "Handling conversation with cook."); } break; case 1: case 2: if (getDialogues().isPendingContinuation()) { getDialogues().clickContinue(); } else if (getDialogues().isPendingOption()) { getDialogues().selectOption(1); updateStage(stage + 1, "Handling conversation with cook."); } break; case 3: if (getDialogues().isPendingContinuation()) { getDialogues().clickContinue(); } else if (getDialogues().isPendingOption()) { getDialogues().selectOption(4); updateStage(stage + 1, "Handling conversation with cook."); } break; case 4: if (!getDialogues().isPendingContinuation()) { break; } getDialogues().clickContinue(); updateStage(stage + 1, "Take pot."); break; case 5: GroundItem pot = getGroundItems().closest("Pot"); if (pot != null) { pot.interact("Take"); updateStage(stage + 1, "Head to wheat field."); } break; case 6: if (walkTo(new Position(3163, 3289, 0))) { if (checkDoor()) { updateStage(stage + 1, "Pick wheat."); } } break; case 7: RS2Object wheat = getObjects().closest("Wheat"); if (wheat != null) { wheat.interact("Pick"); updateStage(stage + 1, "Head to mill."); } break; case 8: if (!inventory.contains("Grain")) { break; } if (walkTo(new Position(3162, 3290, 0))) { if (checkDoor()) { updateStage(stage + 1, "Head to mill."); } } break; case 9: if (walkTo(new Position(3166, 3302, 0))) { if (checkDoor()) { updateStage(stage + 1, "Going to the hopper."); } } break; case 10: updateStage(stage + (climbLadder(true) ? 1 : -1), "Going to the hopper."); break; case 11: if (myPosition().getZ() != 1) { break; } updateStage(stage + (climbLadder(true) ? 1 : -1), "Putting grain into hopper."); break; case 12: if (myPosition().getZ() != 2) { break; } RS2Object hopper = getObjects().closest("Hopper"); if (hopper != null) { getInventory().interact("Use", "Grain"); if (!getInventory().isItemSelected()) { break; } hopper.interact("use"); } break; case 13: RS2Object controls = getObjects().closest("Hopper controls"); if (controls != null) { controls.interact("Operate"); } break; case 14: updateStage(stage + (climbLadder(false) ? 1 : -1), "Going to the flour bin."); break; case 15: if (myPosition().getZ() != 1) { break; } updateStage(stage + (climbLadder(false) ? 1 : -1), "Putting flour into pot."); break; case 16: if (myPosition().getZ() != 0) { break; } RS2Object flourBin = getObjects().closest("Flour bin"); if (flourBin != null) { getInventory().interact("Use", "Pot"); if (!getInventory().isItemSelected()) { break; } flourBin.interact("use"); updateStage(stage + 1, "Heading to chickens."); } break; case 17: if (!inventory.contains("Pot of flour")) { break; } if (checkDoor()) { updateStage(stage + 1, "Heading to chickens."); } break; case 18: if (walkTo(new Position(3238, 3295, 0))) { if (checkDoor()) { updateStage(stage + 1, "Heading to chickens."); } } break; case 19: if (walkTo(new Position(3230, 3298, 0))) { updateStage(stage + 1, "Taking an egg."); } break; case 20: GroundItem egg = getGroundItems().closest("Egg"); if (egg == null || !egg.exists()) { break; } egg.interact("Take"); updateStage(stage + 1, "Heading to bucket."); break; case 21: if (!getInventory().contains("Egg")) { break; } if (walkTo(new Position(3231, 3291, 0))) { if (checkDoor()) { updateStage(stage + 1, "Taking bucket."); } } break; case 22: GroundItem bucket = getGroundItems().closest("Bucket"); if (bucket == null || !bucket.exists()) { break; } bucket.interact("Take"); updateStage(stage + 1, "Heading to diary cow."); break; case 23: if (!getInventory().contains("Bucket")) { break; } if (walkTo(new Position(3236, 3295, 0))) { if (checkDoor()) { updateStage(stage + 1, "Heading to diary cow."); } } break; case 24: if (walkTo(new Position(3252, 3267, 0))) { if (checkDoor()) { updateStage(stage + 1, "Milking diary cow."); } } break; case 25: if (walkTo(new Position(3255, 3274, 0))) { RS2Object cow = getObjects().closest("Dairy cow"); if (cow != null) { cow.interact("Milk"); updateStage(stage + 1, "Heading back to cook."); } } break; case 26: if (!getInventory().contains("Bucket of milk")) { break; } if (walkTo(new Position(3253, 3267, 0))) { if (checkDoor()) { updateStage(stage + 1, "Talking to cook."); } } break; case 27: if (walkTo(new Position(3208, 3213, 0))) { NPC cook = getNpcs().closest("Cook"); if (cook != null) { cook.interact("Talk-to"); updateStage(stage + 1, "Finishing quest."); } } break; case 28: if (getDialogues().isPendingContinuation()) { getDialogues().clickContinue(); } else { getWidgets().closeOpenInterface(); updateStage(stage + 1, "Finished quest. Thanks for using my script."); stop(); } break; } return 600; } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D graphics) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) graphics; g.setRenderingHints(new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF)); g.setColor(Color.CYAN); g.drawString("Status: " + status, 10, 310); g.drawString("Running: " + formatTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime), 10, 330); } private boolean checkDoor() { boolean opened = false; for (RS2Object obj : objects.getAll()) { if (obj.getPosition().distance(myPosition()) < 2) { if (obj.hasAction("Open")) { obj.interact("Open"); opened = true; } } } if (opened) { log("Opened closable"); return false; } return true; } private String formatTime(long ms){ long s = ms / 1000, m = s / 60, h = m / 60; s %= 60; m %= 60; h %= 24; return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s); } private boolean climbLadder(boolean up) { RS2Object ladder = getObjects().closest("Ladder"); if (ladder != null) { ladder.interact(up ? "Climb-up" : "Climb-down"); return true; } return false; } private boolean walkTo(Position pos) { if (!myPlayer().isMoving()) { boolean opened = false; for (RS2Object obj : objects.getAll()) { if (obj.getPosition().distance(myPosition()) < 3) { if (obj.hasAction("Open")) { obj.interact("Open"); opened = true; } } } if (opened) { log("Opened closable"); return false; } if (pos.distance(myPosition()) > 2) { getWalking().webWalk(pos); return false; } log("Finished walking"); return true; } if (!getSettings().isRunning()) { if (getSettings().getRunEnergy() > 10) { getSettings().setRunning(true); } } return false; } }
  4. Are the (parent, c, c++) values the number values the widget debugger displays? Like R: 142 - 152 -- 152 Nvm figured it out, thanks
  5. Working on a simple tanner atm and I want to check if I'm in the tanning screen (trading ellis) To know when to tan the hides. How would I approach this? I noticed there's an "getInteraction" & stuff but don't really know what it would have to return. Also I'm using mouse coordinates now for tanning the hides in the tanning screen, is there a better approach than using mouse coordinates? Thanks in advance
  6. Thanks, hadn't seen that method before, still pretty new to the API
  7. How can I know for sure that an NPC is death? entity.exists() sometimes fails and isAnimating() can be used in combat
  8. I worked around it with some checks right now, doesn't hurt to have those anyways, even if the system would be working smooth
  9. if (!Settings.location.getArea().contains(myPosition())) { //If not in woodcutting area log("Left area, heading back..."); targetPosition = Settings.location.getTreePosition(); //Get area centre position localWalker.walk(targetPosition, true); //Move to position break; } Sometimes when I'm walking, the player doesn't stop on the exact target location but nearby. When this happens the player doesn't want to move anymore. As you can see in the code sample, I'm catching this however the player doesn't start moving anymore on calling walk.
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