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Posts posted by lisabe96

  1. oh right, it'll return <col=ffff>Oak but that is why i included .trim(); at entity.getName() so it removes that bs

    trim doesn't remove "that bs", trim removes spaces


    To remove "that bs" you probably gonna have to use a substring

    //X = length of <col=fff>
    String name = menu.name.substring(X, menu.name.length);
    if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(...
  2. RQ's Starter Account Shop







    The accounts currently in stock have these stats/features:

    ► Tutorial Island completed

    ► 7 Quest points

    (Sheep shearer, Cook's assistant, R&J completed)

    ► 1 - 10 Fishing




    Buyer notes: 

    ~ Note that these accounts are not completely hand-done as they were used to test my scripts! ~

    ~ All emails are fake ones, so no valid registration ~

    ~ The accounts in stock do not have any blackmarks, if they get any they will be removed from the stock. ~




    Stock & Pricing:

    Accounts in stock: 0

    Accounts sold: 20


    Current price each: 120K

    Buy the whole current stock for: NA


    Accepted payment methods: 07GP, Paypal, BTC





    I will not refund you unless you have a reason that I personally find acceptable for a refund.
    If I did not accept your refund request you will not leave me negative feedback.
    If you paid & received the account, you will leave me positive feedback.
    I'm not responsible for whatever happens or what you do with the account once you bought it.
    I can change the TOS at any time.
    You automatically agree to the TOS when you buy an account from me.

  3. If I understand webwalking correctly, which i'm not 100% on I've only glanced over it. Webwalking will simply find the closest way to reach that tile. maybe the next walk-able tile closest to your destination.


    I've had the issue of getting errors because my tile was not walkable.

    I think it was MGI that told me that I have to define an area or multiple positions.

    If it takes a random position within that area and can't walk to it it will take the closest one that is walkable.

    But this was a few updates ago, maybe this has been updated already

  4. You can chuck getRandomPosition onto the end of your area like this:


    It will randomize the position it ends up in, but it still spam clicks the last tile.


    And what if the tile is not walkable, that would result in errors because there are no other tiles it can use.

  5. also wanted to add some more bugs.

    when you stop the script and want to start this script second time, locations doubles, troubles and etc...

    other bug is i.e. if 2-3 logs weren't dropped by droping process, script will stop and wait for somethink and do nothing.


    if you didnt understand me, please contact with me. sorry for bad english.


    I never saw the bot fail on dropping everything, but everything is possible.

    I'll take a look the bugs you mentioned soon, thanks for helping out.

  6. Thank you guys, that does help a lot! smile.png


    Regarding recording human behavior, is there a tool for that, or should I just do it by video recording and do the math?

    Just when you're playing yourself, note down things and make conclusions.

    I guess you could optionally record yourself and have a look at it as well

  7. Hello, I've been working on a project and I need some help regarding human-like behavior, anti-ban. I've managed to not get banned for 3 days, running my script for like 8 hours a day. (No anti-ban implemented) 


    What would you guys suggest there to be randomized? I'm fairly new so I'd appreciate some help considering all the factors.


    I've randomized sleeping, that's about it. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!

    What most scripters do, is implement pseudo anti bans like camera movement, hovering skills.

    This is mainly to give the user of the bot the feeling that he's safe but it's highly controversial if this actually does anything.


    Random behavior should be less easy detectable (walking random paths which we have the webwalker for)

    Avoiding patterns, and possible sleep times.

    However bots still get banned but maybe at a slower rate.

    It's hard to say so basically you're putting work into a guess. But hey, no try no win!


    The best advise I'd give you is, watch yourself when you play legit and see how different you act than your scripts, and try to implement that kind of "weird humanly behavior"

  8. Version 2.3:

    The script should be hella smooth now

    - Fixed fishing getting stuck and keep fishing

    - Fixed a walking bug

    - Fixed not being able to smelt a bar

    - Fixed reaching quest guide

    - Fixed sometimes walking back outside the chef's house



    Special thanks to Zikama for bug-testing the hell out of this.


    Click here to download

  9. It has taken a while until I've updated this script but

    I needed some new accounts so I decided this was the time to update this biggrin.png



    What has changed?

    • You can now start the bot at any time. It will pick up wherever you are! This now also makes it possible
      to choose your appearance yourself or continue the bot when you had to logout for some reason.
    • The system is a lot smarter and will take care of possible things that could happen where the
      previous version would get stuck. So in other words, it should be fairly fail-safe.
    • Now uses space bar to continue dialogues tongue.png
    • Now always toggles running from the start
    • Dank cursor paint to track your mouse



    Download the new version here





    Special thanks to the tard that mined the rock my bot was trying to prospect so I could handle that possibility as well biggrin.png

  10. Hi OSBot. I searched before creating this thread, but yielded no results. I was wondering how I could bot in resizeable mode? I want the client to take up the whole screen. Whenever I click on resizeable mode, it gives me a resizeable mode solver, and it goes back to fixed mode. And also, how could I maximize the client screen size? It seems like it's always stuck on the small square window. Thank you!

    The point of botting is that you don't have to look at it because it's doing everything on it's own.

    So I'm very interested in the reason why you'd wanna bot in re sizable mode :p

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