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Posts posted by lisabe96

  1. Was wondering why it was so cheap, then I saw the bot busting ban. So, when was the last time it was botted on? If I have no risk of being banned after I buy it(i wont be botting), I'm pretty interested.



    never botted after that ban smile.png


    Honestly, I'd wait out a little (no trying to ruin your business I69U)

    Wouldn't be the first one that still had a 2nd delayed ban on the way and gets perm'd

  2. Build 9:

    - Fixed a bug where the bot wouldn't be able to find a bank

    - Fixed a bug where the bot wouldn't move to a better tree when the option is used

    - Fixed a bug where you needed +1 level than required to switch to a better axe

    - Added some anti-fail checks in case something unexpected happens, the bot would try to pick up again

    - Fixed some bugs with the anti-ban handling not working properly

    - Fixed the coordinates of a location

    - Fixed a bug with custom location area defining


    Download build 9 here

  3. Build 8:

    - Redesigned a lot of the code, things should run more smoothly now

    - Moved the logo to not block the default rs experience tracker

    - Better tree tracking and locating

    - Movement to bank should not get you stuck anymore

    - Movement to trees should be more accurate now

    - Support for dragon axe special (Not tested, I don't have one. It should spec when searching a tree and at 100 energy.)

    - Added a mouse tracking paint


    Edit: Build 8.1, just a fix on 2 locations that were switched

    Download build 8.1 here




    Note: Due the redesign of the code it's possible that you might encounter bugs that weren't there before.

    Just post them and I'll fix them just like I always do tongue.png

  4. good script running currently 1 hour hope to get 8hour for you, found one bug:

    Attacks farmer near chicken pen and dies and does not dethwalk ty QwPha8E.png

    Well, it's not supposed to deathwalk because you ain't supposed to die there.

    I have no clue how it managed to attack a farmer lol, possible he must have been in front of a chicken on the screen which made the bot click the farmer thinking it was clicking the chicken.

  5. A2C2eFW.png






    With a "line" I mean the row of tiles the bot will be making fires on.

    Burns all F2P logs

    Generates the closest available line to make fires on

    Variable start & line-switch positions (not always use the same tiles)

    Will not use a line where more than 2 fires are already on it

    When only a few logs left, will start closer to the bank and not at the head of it's line

    Logs out when no more logs are in the bank

    Random selection (Doesn't always perform the same action like "use tinderbox with logs", 

    but will also sometimes do "logs -> tinderbox" or miss-click

    Smart delays & pseudo anti-ban options

    Hops worlds when no lines available


    Extra features in VIP version:

    Various extra locations

    Support for P2P logs




    Requesting this on the SDN once the VIP version is ready.

    Version 1.0

    Click here to download!


    Place the downloaded JAR in your osbot scripts folder. (c:\Users\YOUR_USER\OSBot\scripts\")







    Report any bugs you find so I can fix them, thanks.

  6. public static final FighterData GOBLIN_SUICIDER = new FighterData("Goblin", -1, false);
    public static final FighterData DRUID_TANK = new FighterData("Druid", 20, true);
    public static final FighterData SPIDER_BOSS = new FighterData("Spider", 5, true);
    public static final FighterData ROCK_CRAB_SENSEI = new FighterData("Rock Crab", 6, true);
    public static final FighterData UNICORN_PRO = new FighterData("Unicorn", 9, true);

    Not a fan of this, especially when you're getting big amounts of objects.

    Using a map or list to store the objects would be a better approach imo.

    private static Map<EnumExample, DataObject> data = new HashMap<>();
    public static void load() {
      data.add(EnumExample.GOBLIN, new DataObject(#, #));
    public static DataObject find(EnumExample type) {
      return data.get(type);
    public void onStart() {

    But that's just my 2 cents.

    For the rest great guide! Sure a lot of people will learn a lot from this

  7. @Dopeness - If you want full customization of an event, you can create the event yourself as pointed out by Flamezzz. The "front-end" API is for newer scripters or people who are perfectly fine with how the default events are handled. 

    I'm aware of some of the main screen tile spam along with spamming the minimap on the first tile being walked to. We tried to patch a serious issue with web walking to areas, in which because of the threshold you would walk right outside it. The spamming/clunkiness is something which is something that will take a little bit of time to smooth out.


    It's not just the spamming, as I told in my bug thread it also doesn't randomize the position when using webWalk(area)

    It goes to the exact same tile every time.

  8. They wont touch your main if you don't bot no.


    On the clay thing, clay has always been fairly profitable and been botted much through rs history.

    So I assume that the ban rate will be high there.

    Since you've been banned that fast multiple times, you should probably try another script and see how that goes

  9. Lol ^^^ what he said bans on misinformation and know italls, also thanks guys ive started again anyway but ima gonna do the vip mirror this time ill update on progress also i will run it at 24hrs again as im only wanting a pure melee tank for pking n deadman mode because of this now im gonna bum jagex for this n make a bot army n rinse it please if anyone can let me know of good scripts


    Don't run it for 24 hours, think about what a human would do.

    You need sleep, diner, toilet, ...

    Use breaks and don't bot for too long

  10. Events are not accessible by Jagex through their game client. I don't think you understand though, all your "theoretical concepts" are nothing but special cases of mouse movements. Anything you mentioned can only be interpreted by jagex as a series of mouse movements, clicks, delays etc. And you cannot say a scripting concept has nothing to do with code when scripts are code, just like their bot detection system.


    PS: Just stop quoting me if you aren't even going to bother reading what I've told you ever since the first post, I'm not going to be wasting more time explaning the same thing 10000 times.

    Just stop quoting me if you aren't even going to bother reading what I've told you ever since the first post, I'm not going to be wasting more time explaning the same thing 10000 times.



    I am cutting willows

    Tree goes down

    I take a little delay

    I search a new tree

    Tree is down, need 1 more log for full inventory

    Cut tree

    I go to bank



    I am cutting willows

    I am multi tasking some stuff

    I come back to my game start chopping mah tree

    Oh damn tree is down and only 1 log more for full inventory

    Going to bank anyways



    This is one example of human-like behavior that a bot wont do.

    In order for Jagex to bust bots without banning legit players, they must have a fairly advanced algorithm

    that might detect small things like this. Bot's don't think like humans.

    So rather than writing a script based on facts/happenings in the rs-world,

    we should design the script from the player view point.


    Would I as human get a next tree for that 1 more log? Maybe if the tree is the closest to the bank

    but I'm not running to one further away for that 1 log, I'm just gonna bank that shit.


    Do you understand what I mean now???


    And I'm very aware how the client-server works as I've written RSPS's from scratch.

  11. You don't get what I'm saying. 


    A bot detection system is a software. As any software it is written in a programming language, most likely Java. In any programming language, in order to assess whether the player has left the game screen or not you don't have a application.hasUserLeftGameScreen() method. They have to implement such thing by using CODE. The only possible way to do such thing is by verifying mouse position and movements. Can you think of any other way to tell if a player has left the game screen or not without checking his mouse? Or what exacly do you mean by "have nothing to do with code in a direct way"? Any piece of information is aquired by using code and there is no other possibility.

    Are you trolling or just being stupid.

    The thread is a theoretical concept as I said before, this has nothing to do with code.

    It's something to think about, design, work out.

    For the 3th time, I'm not talking about mouse movements as a form of anti ban at all.


    edit: And yes I can think of another way, it's called events. An event detects if the screen lost focus or not.

    However it has nothing to do with my thread as I've been trying to tell you for the third time now.

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