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Posts posted by lisabe96

  1. You were talking about mouse movements. Moving the mouse out of the runescape window is a mouse movement. There is no other way to interpret it at code level. Delaying interactions means delaying mouse movements. Everything you mentioned can only be interpreted as mouse movement behaviour.


    EDIT: Just so you know, everything you mentioned and much more has been researched intensively on another botting site and their ban rates are no way different from ours. I cannot say which bot it is but all their scripts are required to implement lots of things similar to those but A LOT more. Yet there has been no difference, but they still do it.

    Nope, you don't get it at all.

    With moving mouse outside screen I mean that as a player you'd leave the game screen to do other stuff.

    As humans we multi task.

    I didn't mean it at code level AT ALL.

    The thoughts I've written on the OP are purely theoretical and have nothing to do with code in a direct way.

  2. While this does sound nice I'm 100% sure it's not going to change anything. I can bot 100+ hours without a break and still not receiving bans. If jagex doesn't even look at your login time when searching for bots then they for sure won't bother looking at your mouse movements...

    Who was talking about mouse movements, you missed the point completely.

    It's about simulating human behavior rather than reacting to changes in the rs world.

  3. A delay while mouse is out of screen.

    I don't think you understand the concept I explained. Or you do but I don't see it.

    What you probably do is, oh a tree is down, lets do a delay before going to another tree.

    That's the script viewpoint.

    With the player viewpoint you're taking a delay, then come back in game and see what has happened in your area and how you can react to it.

  4. Yes, I believe the functionality you described was as it worked for me in 2.4.36, however with the update to .37 its now spam clicking a very specific tile each time...


    I assume you are walking to bank with, for example:


    Using this it'll even go so far as run INTO the area, be definitely within the area, and then spam click the specific spot until it gets there... :/


    Bear in mind I'm currently at work so I can't test anything out at the moment, I will try the condition approach suggested when I get home from work in about 6 hours...

    Yes that's exactly what I'm using and the issue I have, i posted about it in the bug section

  5. Looks good ! biggrin.png

    There is only 1 problem, You'll lose a lot of efficieny doing this :s


    Pretty sure that 90% of the mass goldfarmers just suicide farm a certain method.

    Not much fucks were given bcs of banns, bcs they know they will happen on certain goldfarm scripts.


    This method would be good on scripts where pll actually use their main account.

    but nobody knows if antiban even helps, i've seen pll run my script 100 hours with injection and no antiban, receiving no ban.

    but also pll using mirror and antiban and they get banned within a day on their main account.


    So I don't really find any logic in jagex banning people.



    Recently a friend of mine is botting a shitload of account and hes uses 2 accs per proxy farming the same method.

    a lot of times only 1/2 accs gets banned... Same IP, same farming method, same naming ...

    So where is the logic in the banns? Would be cool to actually know how they decide who gets banned and who doesn't get banned.


    Kind regards


    Well it's true we have no clue on how they detect bots, but we can assume it's by detecting behavior as when it would be software wise, mirror client would never have bans.

    So the closer you get to human-like behavior, the safer it should become.

    @efficiency That's why you add a checkbox to let the player choose whether to use anti-ban or not :)

  6. Ooh that looks lovely thank you!


    Just had another question, the webwalk seems to end every route very consistently, as follows:


    1) Walks as close to end tile as possible

    2) Finishes route by spam clicking specific block until character is on exactly that tile.


    This last behaviour is something I'd imagine is rather detectable... is there a way to specify that routes are allowed to be approximate, and then the event will end when the distance to the final tile is under some tolerance?

    In my experience webwalker finishes when it's under 2-3 tiles distance of the destination automatically?

    Annoys the shit out of me sometimes when I runs out of a building because of that

  7. Yup, the anti ban thing can be alot smoother!

    Another Anti-ban thing what really helps is, while the bot is having break it also hops worlds. This can also be implended into the client. 


    I don't know about you guys but personally when I'm playing legit I barely ever hop worlds. I just take a low-player-count world on a nearby server and get playing.

    Imo hopping worlds all the time would even get me suspicious in some situations.

    However when botting I assume it could help as it avoids legit players becoming suspicious about you and reporting you.

  8. I was thinking of another approach on anti-ban implementation.

    The regular methods are the pseudo anti-bans (opening tabs, camera movement, ...)

    And smart delays (taking a random delay before searching a new tree, while in bank...)

    However I think we could take another approach on those random delays.


    Now we mainly handle it from the viewpoint of happenings in the rs world rather than from player view point.

    Let me illustrate:

    - Start chopping tree

    - Tree is down ? do a little delay, search a new tree


    Now let me illustrate how I think a player-viewpoint approach could work

    - Start chopping tree

    - Move mouse outside screen (delay for a while like we're checking a website or something)

    - Randomly hop back in into the game and see what happened


    The tree could have been down after 2 logs or the tree could still be up.

    Whatever the situation is, we detect the current situation when we as a player come back to

    the game, rather than the script seeing that the tree is down. Also experience rates would be very variable, etc...


    This could when implemented correctly result in a very realistic player-like behavior.

    Even when mod weath is standing next to you it would be very hard to spot that you're botting.



    I'm using woodcutting as example as it would be one of the easier ones to try this out with

    & I'm mainly working on my woodcutter right now.



    • Like 4
  9. Hey, me again. Using build six, the bot will click outside the room, when cutting at Edgeville.



    On my way to test Falador. 


    Falador: Walked between all three trees, stopping to the cut them. Sometimes it would walk past the middle tree and sometimes the webwalking would fall too short of a tree and the bot would stand there. Banking and walking back was successful. 

    Mmh the webwalking is getting annoying with it being some tiles off. However the tiles off makes it in most situations required to keep a human-like behavior. You don't want to be walking the exact same path and stop at the exact same tile every time.

    I will probably have to rework the code by writing my own walking events rather than using the webwalking methods. Probably don't expect a next build today already as I have some irl stuff to do today as well.

  10. Your fix ^is not really a fix, you just bypassed the issue.



    Don't initialize this globally, add it to onStart();

    private final Player me = myPlayer();
    private Player me;
    public void onStart() {
      this.me = myPlayer();
  11. Does your custom locations support multiple trees, if they are outside the 10x10 radius? Example would be the three yew trees south of Falador. 


    It doesn't, it would create a difficult situation.

    Let's say there's 3 willow trees next to each other I want to cut, but there's also 1-2 at 25 tiles away.

    Then it could end up there. Or in the case of oaks that are everywhere the bot would wander through the hole rs world :p


    As you might have noticed, no zones around falador are added yet at all, this was planned just not done yet.

    Will add them in the next build.

  12. I looked at the one from the bank and it just said something like, "We've arrived!" haha 


    I'm going to try your custom location, here soon. 

    Mmh that's because the webwalker says it's arrived at the bank. 

    The webwalker can sometimes be a few tiles off

    But the bot sees it's not in the bank yet, so it just waits.


    Ill add a fail catch for it later

  13. Build 5:

    This should be the final beta build, please report all bugs you find.


    - Axe upgrading fixed

    - Willow tree detection fixed in Draynor

    - Custom location support added!


    Custom location support:

    With custom locations you can cut anywhere you want, not bounded by a location.

    In the GUI choose your type of tree and then choose as location "custom".

    The bot will scan the area in a 10x10 radius around him for trees of the type you specified.

    It will save those trees and create a woodcutting zone internally.

    When not using powerchopping mode, it will find the closest bank near you to go bank.

    When using custom locations you MUST stand in the center of the location you want to woodcut when starting the script.


    Click here to download build 5




  14. how do i add this script on mac?

    Find where the "OSBot" folder is saved, (I'm assuming your home folder)

    Then inside the osbot folder there's a "scripts" folder. You save it in there and refresh your scripts in your client afterwards.

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