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Posts posted by lisabe96

  1. No, only in inventory

    I'm thinking that it might happen because of when it goes to bank it deposit all, then withdraw the axe, but i't doesnt wait until the axe is in inventory. Maybe you could add a checker after withdrawing the axe it could solve the problem (the problem is independant of the type of axe)



    Build 4:

    - Smart tree detection added (Will walk towards the first tree to respawn when all trees are down)

    - Fixed axe depositing when banking

    - A few new locations added

    - Some anti-ban improvements


    Click here to download build 4




    Nearly finished for official release apart from a few things.

    Unless new bugs are found.

    Thanks for helping out with beta testing.

    • Like 1
  2. Great features bro, but I have a problem, I'm runnning 2 bots atm in varrock east chopping oaks with mithril axe, but it happens that when it banks it deposit the axe. So it comes back and tries to cut the tree for indetermined time :/


    Edit: no problem with the steel axe

    I will check it out, thanks for noticing me


    Edit: Are you holding an axe in hand AND having one in inventory?

    Because it will first check if you have one in your hand and consider that one to be used.

  3. The pseudo looks good! Still no luck with the trees. When started at the most Northern tree, it will cut it down, and run to the stump of the Southern tree, which is a nice feature! 


    However I planned on adding such features in the future, it's now just coincidence because there are only 2 trees smile.png

    What it does when it doesn't find an available tree is walking back to the "start" area.

    This area is considered a good starting point, like in big tree zones e.g. behind lumby castle, we don't

    want our bot to keep wandering off further and further away from the bank. So it will return to the start

    zone after a while or when it finds no trees.



    Anyhow, tried another thing that should fix it, if it doesn't I'm gonna take another approach.

    Maybe try another yew zone to see if it's only in Edgeville or not if you want to



    Build 3:

    - Even when powerchopping it will bank the logs when cutting willows in Draynor

    - Fixed a bug on moving to a better tree where it would move to a lower tree instead of a better one
    - Hopefully, edgeville yews is now fixed

    Download build 3 here

  4. Explains the smithing haha. It runs successfully from the bank to the most Southern tree, cuts it down, and "checks for new tree," but is unaware of the Northern one. 



    - Fixed the pseudo anti ban skill hover & cycle times

    - Fixed Varrock East Oak zoning

    Not sure if the edgeville yew tree is fixed as I don't have a 60wc account available right now so you'll have to try tongue.png


    Click here to download build 2

  5. It likes to look at the smithing xp a lot and it seems to only look for 1 tree at Edgeville. Also, could it be that it cycles between tabs too quickly? Thanks!

    I copied the pseudo anti bans from my smithing script that's why it's checking smithing :doge:

    Will fix it. And about edge, which of the 2 trees is it doing/not doing?

  6. YwEenYz.png



    RQ Chopper | Woodcutting as it should be

    By RandQm






    All trees to be made available

    Many locations, also less popular ones!

    Auto-check bank for better axe

    Start anywhere, anytime, the bot will prepare (Go to area, bank, take axe, ...) on it's own!

    Anti-ban implementations

    Powerchopping & taking bird nest options!

    Anti-fail systems built in

    Advanced information display

    Easy & clear GUI



    when all trees are down, walk to the one which will respawn first



    When this option is toggled on, the bot will keep track of leveling up.

    Once it reaches the required level for a better tree (required level + 5 for tree's over willow) it

    will head to those trees and start training there without you having to do anything!

    When using powermode, it will not go to better trees anymore once it reached willow as willows

    are the fastest experience.



    Cut anywhere you want not bounded by locations!

    In the GUI, choose the type of tree you want to cut and choose "custom" as location.

    Stand in the center of the area you want to cut in when starting the script.

    The bot will scan the area in a 15x15 radius for the type of tree you specified.

    It will save those trees and start choppin! When not using powerchopping mode

    it will find the closest bank to use.





    Current version: 2.0

    Click here to download!


    Soon to be on the SDN

    For now, place the downloaded jar in:












    Powerchopping: When powerchopping the bot will drop the logs instead of banking them.

    This will increase training speed.


    Take bird nests: When a bird nest falls, the bot will attempt to pick it up.


    Smart delays: The bot will randomly break like a real human would do when playing.

    This will lower training speed but might decrease the chance on a ban.


    Pseudo anti-ban: The bot will perform actions like a human would do (moving camera, opening tabs, ...)

    Some people claim this will lower the chance on a ban. Using it will not slow down your training speed.


    Move to better tree: When this option is toggled on, the bot will keep track of leveling up.

    Once it reaches the required level for a better tree (required level + 5 for tree's over willow) it

    will head to those trees and start training there without you having to do anything!

    When using powermode, it will not go to better trees anymore once it reached willow as willows

    are the fastest experience.










    • Like 4
  7. I wanted my own appearance, and then I started the script. However it all messed up. Can you make it work at any stage you start the script?

    I could figure out the configs, but I know the main config used to track progress on tut isle, is not active yet when choosing appearance.

  8. Why ? I got banned for botting , didn't bot again. It clearly states in de message you recieve that you are welcome to play further if you don't use any macroing, So i didn't actually didn't do something wrong to get banned the second time.

    Let's give you an example situation of what happened.


    January 2: klopper was botting

    January 5: Klopper was botting

    January 10: klopper was banned for bot offense on January 2nd

    January 13: klopper was permabanned for a 2nd bot offense from January 5th

  9. public static float round(float d, int decimalPlace) {
    	return BigDecimal.valueOf(d).setScale(decimalPlace, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).floatValue();

    Or just use (int)Math.round(value); :p

    It's fixed in the download

  10. damn you're on a roll!



    Wow calm down, the SDN is overheating.


    Just a small script somebody requested, didn't take long.

    Going on cooldown and play some league now tongue.png

    P2P version added, supports all P2P fish.

    To bad I can't change the thread title


    So far looking very good and flawless.


    Two suggestions tho:

    • Make it enable run by default from the start.
    • Make it use it the SPACE button for going thu dialogues quicker.


    Running should be handled by the web walker, it worked when I was testing though, maybe it was a webwalking bug.

    I'll check it out if more people have this issue.

    @dialogues, see below :doge:



    yeah SPACE is what a human would use.


    I always just click myself, I didn't even know space bar works... :doge: 

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