RQ's Starter Account Shop
The accounts currently in stock have these stats/features:
► Tutorial Island completed
► 7 Quest points
(Sheep shearer, Cook's assistant, R&J completed)
► 1 - 10 Fishing
Buyer notes:
~ Note that these accounts are not completely hand-done as they were used to test my scripts! ~
~ All emails are fake ones, so no valid registration ~
~ The accounts in stock do not have any blackmarks, if they get any they will be removed from the stock. ~
Stock & Pricing:
Accounts in stock: 0
Accounts sold: 20
Current price each: 120K
Buy the whole current stock for: NA
Accepted payment methods: 07GP, Paypal, BTC
I will not refund you unless you have a reason that I personally find acceptable for a refund. If I did not accept your refund request you will not leave me negative feedback. If you paid & received the account, you will leave me positive feedback. I'm not responsible for whatever happens or what you do with the account once you bought it. I can change the TOS at any time. You automatically agree to the TOS when you buy an account from me.