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  1. @ProjectPact Since the 6.6 update I experience the below bug. Many of my bots loosing their bird snares during the 19-43 phase somehow, and when going to bank to regear get stuck there unable to get traps from the bank spamming the below message in the logger why having spare snares in the bank as you can see.
  2. I tried the new version during the weekend. Everything works properly and almost all the bugs i had before are disappeared, however I still experience one problem about 50% of the time when the bots reach lvl 63 in progression mode. Some of them banks properly in barb assault and goes to chins as supposed to, but others just go to barb assault and keep teleporting between castle wars and barb assault until the games necklace/duel ring depletes and gets stuck. Can you please take a look?
  3. I have two more suggestions for the next version. 1. It seems when I use progressive mode, bots always go to the same red chin spot. It would be nice if you could add the other spots as well and the bots could choose the spot randomly. 2. when the get more traps from bank function is active and banking is needed it deposits all the chins from inventory. It would make muling easier if the chins would be kept in inv. This could work only with fully functional walking and eating without risking to loose all the chins during walking back and dyeing
  4. Hi @ProjectPact ! I just bought the script, it looks very promising but I have some problems. When I use progression mode, the hunting part runs just fine, however when it going from one place to anther due to level up it starts walking but stops around halfway to the spot and stands there forever, the script need to be restarted to get it work again. I had this problem walking from museum to crimsons and from tropical to falconry. There was no useful info in logger, just spammed waltking to ... The other issue I have is that I did not find an option where I can insert my mule's name. I see the enable mule trader option but there is no popup or space to add the mule. Thanks
  5. when i got manual ban the comment was only something like "macroing in oldschool" instead of this half page long bullshit. Edit: found the screenshot. It is still macroing major, but im pretty sure that this was hand done by Weath. Strange that it was not rwt or something else, i just muled on this acc, never botted.
  6. Hi! Does this work for chaos druids? I mean going through the wildy door + regearing if dies.
  7. @khaleesi The script is excellent, however it get stuck at a few places. It could be easily avoided turning the rooftops off, can you please add it if possible? Usual places where it malfunctions is the quest guide room and the priest temple, when it does not see the door because of the roof.
  8. Thats true but I'm not sure its better from the viewpoint of botting sites cashflow and it ssems the aim of this whole idea is to increase that cashflow.
  9. And what would happen if ppl start getting bans with official scripts? Imagine a new player (who is not necessarily aware of the current ban rates) register here buys an Official script, expecting he's getting the best quality available and get banned. For a usual script he can blame the scripter, the script, the spot etc, he can go around and buy a new script try and fail but spend money constantly, but if the Official script with superb quality gets him banned he most likely wont purchase anything else from here again, just leave.
  10. Hi. I just tried it again. It duplicate the offers after the 2nd one regardless of it is on loaded task or not.
  11. I had this with task loading, did not try without. Ill give it a try once i get home.
  12. Hi. Saving works fine for me, however when I set GE tasks it buys the first item from the list but from the 2nd item, it repeats all tasks 2 times, so buys twice as much as i give it to buy. Please fix that. Ty
  13. Hi, Im still getting this message when I try to buy anything: Sorry, there is a problem The page you requested does not exist Error code: 2S100/6 Edit: Only for scripts, the store part seems to be ok.
  14. I have the same issue, cannot buy any scripts
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