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Trade With Caution
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About k9thebeast

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  1. Discord: John Devola#165 Skype: devola.sythe Sorry, please move to https://osbot.org/forum/forum/41-requests/
  2. Wouldn't that be a Nullpointerexception?
  3. Currently in an instance where my coordinates are 12444, 281 Anyone have any idea how to walk here? Seems like it would be similar to zulrah. (walkTo isnt working) Thanks! @Fruity
  4. Discord matches. Would have antiscammed but he technically was only banned for an "attempted scam", so was not approved. https://www.sythe.org/threads/2929791/selling-200m-07-for-paypal/ https://www.sythe.org/threads/scam-report-on-eggrolls-foo/
  5. Nevermind. Guys a scammer https://www.sythe.org/threads/2929791/selling-200m-07-for-paypal/ https://www.sythe.org/threads/scam-report-on-eggrolls-foo/
  6. @Fruity v2.06 I load everything up correctly, with zul teleport in inv. It goes through portal, uses the teleport, and then tele's back to clan wars because it thinks it needs a new inv setup or something im not sure. The debug doesnt seem to work either
  7. Bro it wouldnt align I tried my very best
  8. Beats this job But nah im happy with the job I'm in lol
  9. Alek refuses to hear any criticisms of his bot. When he finds the issue he shall fix it and either claim it as his idea or not make it part of the client update.
  10. This hack is going to cost them a lot more money than the amount that was stolen, they were legit rolling.
  11. I didnt. If you want a programming job your resume just gets you through the door, and OSBot wont do that, so no point even putting it down. Learn data structures and be good with interview questions. That should do you fine.
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