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Theodore Bagwell

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Everything posted by Theodore Bagwell

  1. I got the nexus 7 and i really love it! Would deffinitely recommand you this one as it has literally everything you need ("low" price, nice screen, fast etc.)
  2. Are you using VNC viewer to connect to your vps? If yes, move your mouse to the top of the screen --> click options --> un-do "adapt to network speed" --> Move colors to where ever you want (less color = better connection = less screenshots) Hope it helped
  3. Hey, i would like to have a nice signature. Can you please add me on skype so we can discuss?
  4. Oh please make it have proxy support soon, need it really bad
  5. Thats for windows my friend.. I can't make .bat files on linux
  6. Hey guys, Does anyone know how to use proxies on linux? I was recently using this method: Right click on the osbot client --> open with --> add --> use a custom command --> type in "java -DsockProxyHost=IP -DsockProxyPort=PORT -jar" with the ip adress + port Now i wanted to check if everything was setup using ande's IP checker: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/44737-andes-ip-checker/#entry524609 but it all seems to run on the same IP adress Do you guys have any suggestions on how to run bots using a proxy on linux? thanks!
  7. Welcome My brother's name is Kasper aswell. Never seen anyone called Kasper with a K instead of a C (Casper)
  8. Nice Got this bug with using defnerd's aio fighter..
  9. Fuuuuck... i was on a run for like 5-6 months!
  10. Contact me anytime you need :)

  11. Oh please, can i still have one?
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