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Everything posted by Bearderus

  1. https://gyazo.com/2d544a4a2844e9d4a0c5411b2ad33aec
  2. Czar simply due to the amazing scripts
  3. Thanks for the response!
  4. 75m. Might be worthwhile to sell offsite.
  5. The bare minimum, 70/70/70, Quests: Fight Arena, Lost City, Tree Gnome Village, Vampire slayer, & Mountain Daughter What do they go for?
  6. $30 is insane. 10m is even a bit high. I'd say 3m tops.
  7. Probably a little bit more than the 99 cooking costed ya
  8. I have no idea then. I just purchased this script last night and had no problems.
  9. Restart your client and refresh your script list
  10. It just seems a little silly that something that is suppose to be better doesn't even have the support it's inferior counterpart does. :P Plus the whole 'VIP for unlimited tabs' seems redundant when you'll be running all 3+ on the same IP to get chainbanned.
  11. This^ Suppose that's what the spam section is for eh? Kappa
  12. Everything is 'afkable' on OSBot Apparently 50m+ - This is the wrong section though
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