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shop.interact("Trade"); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(4000, 8000)) { @Override public boolean condition() { return store.isOpen(); } }; the ConditionalSleep is supposed to wait 4 to 8 seconds or until store is opened, but neither of those are working
Hello everyone, I'm releasing this script it made me bank but I don't use it anymore so I don't know how much money does it generate now, features:- -GE Buys Bows and collect Sells Steel Arrows and collect Change un-noted bows to noted -Brain's Shop Buys Steel Arrows until 1950 Sells bows only if the quantity in the shop is acceptable Hops world (F2p) -Friends Chat (Not completed) Know the bot location Send trade signal -Update Create file With all numbers (Bows sold, Arrows Bought) Send Email (Via external jar) Source package Main; import org.osbot.rs07.api.GrandExchange; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.constants.Banks; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Player; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Tab; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep; import java.awt.*; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; @ScriptManifest(name = "Shopper", author = "Kadiem", version = 1.0, info = "", logo = "") public class Main extends Script { long Timer; Area shopArea = new Area(2953, 3205, 2960, 3202); Area grandexchangeArea = Banks.GRAND_EXCHANGE; Area tradingArea = Banks.VARROCK_WEST; static String Status = "Normal"; boolean GotTradeOffer; Timer logTimer; Timer updateTimer; int numberofWSB; int numberofWLB; int numberofMSB; int numberofMLB; int numberofSA; int coinsinbank; @Override public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { logTimer = new Timer(0); updateTimer = new Timer(0); Timer = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { File file = new File(getDirectoryData()+"info.txt"); if(!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if(logTimer.Passed(1)){ log("Current money stock " + (int) inventory.getAmount("Coins")); log("Current money stock in bank " + coinsinbank); logTimer.reset(); } if(updateTimer.Passed(30)){ Update(); updateTimer.reset(); sleep(random(2000,3000)); } if(Status == "Normal") { if (!GotTradeOffer) { if (tabs.open(Tab.INVENTORY) && !trade.isFirstInterfaceOpen()) { if (inventory.contains("Willow longbow") && inventory.contains("Willow shortbow") && inventory.contains("Maple shortbow") && inventory.contains("Maple longbow")) { GoToShop(); } if (!inventory.contains("Willow longbow") || !inventory.contains("Willow shortbow") || !inventory.contains("Maple shortbow") || !inventory.contains("Maple longbow")) { GoToGe(); } } } else if (GotTradeOffer) { Trade(); } }else if (Status == "Muling"){ WalktoTrade(); } return 100; } private void WalktoTrade() { if(!tradingArea.contains(myPlayer())){ walking.webWalk(tradingArea); } } public void Update(){ try { File file = new File(getDirectoryData()+"info.txt"); if(!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file, true)); long timeRan = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.Timer; pw.println(myPlayer().getName()); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); Date date = new Date(); pw.println(dateFormat.format(date)); pw.println("Time running ["+formatTime(timeRan)+"]"); pw.println("Current money stock " +"["+(int) inventory.getAmount("Coins")/1000+"K"+"]"); pw.println("Number of steel arrows bought " +"["+ numberofSA+"]"); pw.println("Number of willow shortbows bought " +"["+ numberofWSB+"]"); pw.println("Number of willow longbows bought " +"["+ numberofWLB+"]"); pw.println("Number of maple shortbows bought " +"["+ numberofMSB+"]"); pw.println("Number of maple longbows bought " +"["+ numberofMLB+"]"); pw.println("-------------------------------------------------------------------------"); pw.close(); log("Update!"); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public final String formatTime(long ms) { long s = ms / 1000; long m = s / 60; long h = m / 60; return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", h %= 24, m %= 60, s %= 60); } private void Trade() throws InterruptedException { Player muleTrade = (Player)this.players.closest(new String[]{"Yourname"}); if(grandExchange.isOpen()){ grandExchange.close(); } if(store.isOpen()){ store.close(); } if(!trade.isFirstInterfaceOpen()) { if(muleTrade != null) { muleTrade.interact(new String[]{"Trade with"}); new ConditionalSleep(5000) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getTrade().isCurrentlyTrading(); } }.sleep(); }else{ return; } } if(trade.isFirstInterfaceOpen()){ trade.offer("Coins",GetQuantity()); getTrade().acceptTrade(); new ConditionalSleep(5000){ public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getTrade().isSecondInterfaceOpen(); } }.sleep(); } if(trade.isSecondInterfaceOpen()){ getTrade().acceptTrade(); new ConditionalSleep(5000){ public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return !getTrade().isSecondInterfaceOpen(); } }.sleep(); GotTradeOffer = false; if (inventory.contains("Willow longbow") && inventory.contains("Willow shortbow") && inventory.contains("Maple shortbow") && inventory.contains("Maple longbow")) { GoToShop(); } if (!inventory.contains("Willow longbow") || !inventory.contains("Willow shortbow") || !inventory.contains("Maple shortbow") || !inventory.contains("Maple longbow")) { GoToGe(); } } } private int GetQuantity() { int x = (int) (inventory.getAmount("Coins") - 100000); return x; } public boolean invcheck(String name){ if(inventory.contains(name) && inventory.getAmount(name) == 100){ return true; } return false; } private void GoToGe() throws InterruptedException { NPC grandexchangeclerk = npcs.closest("Grand Exchange Clerk"); if (!grandexchangeArea.contains(myPlayer())) { walking.webWalk(grandexchangeArea); } if (grandexchangeArea.contains(myPlayer())) { if (inventory.contains(849) || inventory.contains(847) || inventory.contains(851) || inventory.contains(853)) { changetonoted(); } else { if (!grandExchange.isOpen()) { if (grandexchangeclerk != null) { grandexchangeclerk.interact("Exchange"); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(5000, 8000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return grandExchange.isOpen(); } }.sleep(); } } if (grandExchange.isOpen()) { BUY(847, "willow longbow", 150, 100, "Steel arrow", 32); BUY(849, "willow shortbow", 100, 100, "Steel arrow", 32); BUY(851, "Maple longbow", 336, 100, "Steel arrow", 32); BUY(853, "Maple shortbow", 208, 100, "Steel arrow", 32); } } if(inventory.getAmount("Coins") >= 100000){ despositcoins(); } } } private void despositcoins() throws InterruptedException { if(!bank.isOpen()){ bank.open(); } if (bank.isOpen()) { coinsinbank = (int) bank.getAmount("Coins"); bank.deposit("Coins",GetQuantity()); bank.close(); } } public GrandExchange.Box getbox(){ if(grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1) == GrandExchange.Status.EMPTY){ return GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1; } if(grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_2) == GrandExchange.Status.EMPTY){ return GrandExchange.Box.BOX_2; } if(grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_3) == GrandExchange.Status.EMPTY){ return GrandExchange.Box.BOX_3; } return null; } public void BuyMethod(String name,int price,int Quantity) throws InterruptedException { grandExchange.buyItems(getbox()); sleep(random(1000,1500)); keyboard.typeString(name); keyboard.typeString("",true); } private void changetonoted() throws InterruptedException { if(!bank.isOpen()){ bank.open(); } if (bank.isOpen()) { bank.depositAllExcept("Coins"); sleep(random(1000, 1500)); getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("Note").interact("Note"); sleep(random(1000, 1500)); if (bank.contains("Maple shortbow")) { bank.withdrawAll("Maple shortbow"); } if (bank.contains("Maple longbow")) { bank.withdrawAll("Maple longbow"); } if (bank.contains("Willow shortbow")) { bank.withdrawAll("Willow shortbow"); } if (bank.contains("Willow longbow")) { bank.withdrawAll("Willow longbow"); } } } public void BUY(int id,String name,int Price,int Quantity,String Sellingname,int Sellingprice) throws InterruptedException { if(inventory.contains(Sellingname)){ grandExchange.sellItem(886,Sellingprice, (int) inventory.getAmount(886)); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(5000, 8000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return grandExchange.isOpen(); } }.sleep(); sleep(random(1000, 1100)); } if (grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1) == GrandExchange.Status.FINISHED_SALE || grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_2) == GrandExchange.Status.FINISHED_SALE || grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_3) == GrandExchange.Status.FINISHED_SALE) { grandExchange.collect(); } if (grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1) == GrandExchange.Status.FINISHED_BUY || grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_2) == GrandExchange.Status.FINISHED_BUY || grandExchange.getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_3) == GrandExchange.Status.FINISHED_BUY) { grandExchange.collect(); } else if (!inventory.contains(name) && grandExchange.getItemId(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1) != id && grandExchange.getItemId(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_2) != id && grandExchange.getItemId(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_3) != id || inventory.contains(name) && inventory.getAmount(name) < Quantity && grandExchange.getItemId(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1) != id && grandExchange.getItemId(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_2) != id && grandExchange.getItemId(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_3) != id) { grandExchange.buyItem(id, name, Price, GetQuantity(name,Quantity)); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(5000, 8000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return grandExchange.isOpen(); } }.sleep(); sleep(random(1000, 1100)); } } private int GetQuantity(String name,int InitialQuantity) { if(!inventory.contains(name)){ return InitialQuantity; } if(inventory.contains(name) && inventory.getAmount(name) < 100){ int x = (int) (100 - inventory.getAmount(name)); return x; } return 0; } private void GoToShop() throws InterruptedException { NPC Brian = npcs.closest("Brian"); if(!shopArea.contains(myPlayer())){ walking.webWalk(shopArea); } if(shopArea.contains(myPlayer())){ if(!store.isOpen()){ if(Brian !=null) { Brian.interact("Trade"); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(5000, 8000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return grandExchange.isOpen(); } }.sleep(); } } if(store.isOpen()){ shop(); HopWorlds(); } } } private void shop() throws InterruptedException { while(store.getAmount("Steel arrow") >= 1460) { store.buy("Steel arrow", 10); numberofSA = numberofSA + 10; sleep(random(800,1100)); } if (store.getAmount("Oak longbow") <= 5) { store.sell("Oak longbow", 5); sleep(random(800,1100)); } if (store.getAmount("Willow shortbow") <= 4) { store.sell("Willow shortbow", 5); numberofWSB = numberofWSB + 5; sleep(random(800,1100)); } if (store.getAmount("Willow longbow") <= 4) { store.sell("Willow longbow", 5); numberofWLB = numberofWLB + 5; sleep(random(800,1100)); } if (store.getAmount("Maple shortbow") <= 3) { store.sell("Maple shortbow", 5); numberofMSB = numberofMSB + 5; sleep(random(800,1100)); } if (store.getAmount("Maple longbow") <= 3) { store.sell("Maple longbow", 5); numberofMLB = numberofMLB + 5; sleep(random(800,1100)); } } private void HopWorlds() throws InterruptedException { store.close(); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(5000, 8000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return !store.isOpen(); } }.sleep(); worlds.hop(WorldNumber()); tabs.open(Tab.INVENTORY); sleep(random(2000,3000)); tabs.open(Tab.INVENTORY); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(5000, 8000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return tabs.open(Tab.INVENTORY); } }.sleep(); sleep(random(3000,4000)); } private int WorldNumber(){ if(worlds.getCurrentWorld() == 301){ return 8; } if(worlds.getCurrentWorld() == 308){ return 16; } if(worlds.getCurrentWorld() == 316){ return 26; } if(worlds.getCurrentWorld() == 326){ return 35; } if(worlds.getCurrentWorld() == 335){ return 82; } if(worlds.getCurrentWorld() == 382){ return 83; } if(worlds.getCurrentWorld() == 383){ return 84; } if(worlds.getCurrentWorld() == 384){ return 93; } if(worlds.getCurrentWorld() == 393){ return 94; } return 1; } public void SendReply(String message) throws InterruptedException { if(grandExchange.isOpen()){ grandExchange.close(); } tabs.open(Tab.FRIENDS); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(5000, 8000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return Tab.FRIENDS.isOpen(bot); } }.sleep(); sleep(random(1500,2000)); getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("Yourname").interact("Message"); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(5000, 8000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return dialogues.inDialogue(); } }.sleep(); sleep(random(1500,2000)); keyboard.typeString(message,true); } public String getlocation(){ if(shopArea.contains(myPlayer())){ return "At the shop"; } if(grandexchangeArea.contains(myPlayer())){ return "At ge"; } return null; } public void onMessage(Message c) throws InterruptedException { if (c.getMessage().contains("Yourname wishes to trade with you.")){ this.log("Yourname wishes to trade with you."); GotTradeOffer = true; } if (c.getMessage().contains("Where are u?.")){ this.log("Message recived."); SendReply(getlocation()); } if (c.getMessage().contains("Ok im here.")){ this.log("Message recived."); Trade(); } if (c.getMessage().contains("Ok come here.")){ SendReply("Comming..."); this.log("Message recived."); Status = "Muling"; } if (c.getMessage().contains("Ok done.")){ SendReply("Ok back to normal"); this.log("Message recived."); Status = "Normal"; } } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { //This is where you will put your code for paint(s) } } Email jar source: package Email; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.io.File; import java.util.Properties; import javax.activation.*; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class SendMailTLS { public static void main(String[] args) { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { Frame1 frame = new Frame1(); frame.setVisible(true); } }); try { while (true) { SendEmail(); Thread.sleep(Minutes(40)); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static int Minutes(int Minutes){ return Minutes*60000; } public static void SendEmail(){ final String username = "Yourname@email.com"; final String password = "Email Password"; Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", true); props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", true); props.put("mail.smtp.host", "smtp.gmail.com"); props.put("mail.smtp.port", "587"); props.put("mail.smtp.ssl.trust", "smtp.gmail.com"); Session session = Session.getInstance(props, new javax.mail.Authenticator() { protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password); } }); try { Message message = new MimeMessage(session); message.setFrom(new InternetAddress("Yourname@email.com")); message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse("Emailtorecieve@email.com")); message.setSubject("Account Updates"); message.setText("Account Updates"); MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart(); String currentUsersHomeDir = System.getProperty("user.home"); String otherFolder = currentUsersHomeDir + "\\OSBot\\Data\\info.txt"; messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); String file = otherFolder; String fileName = "info.txt"; DataSource source = new FileDataSource(file); messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); messageBodyPart.setFileName(fileName); multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); message.setContent(multipart); System.out.println("Sending"); Transport.send(message); System.out.println("Done"); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } Hope you enjoy it and please let me know your opinions in the poll Thanks.
Hello everyone, I'm selling 22m for 20$ Paypal tursted users only skype live:xyoxbox Thanks.
I aldeady tried making and writing a txt file and it worked .Can I execute external jar which is in the directoryfile through getDirectoryData()
Skype live:xyoxbox
I changed pathname to getDirectoryData()+"Test.txt" and it worked thank you so much!!
It's my script i already tried this : try { File file = new File("Test.txt"); if(!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(file); pw.println("Test"); pw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } But it's giving me permission error is there another way?
Is there anyway to make the script copy all logs like this one into txt file? [INFO][Bot #1][08/21 12:51:53 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #1][08/21 12:51:53 AM]: Current money stock 662459 [INFO][Bot #1][08/21 12:52:00 AM]: Current money stock 662459
The download is premium only why?
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Hello everyone, I'm releasing my second script (actually it's like mini-script), as the name says it chats with other people. Source: private Dialogue Dialogue; boolean said; int Index; private void Respond() throws InterruptedException { //Message sending method if(said == true){ sleep(random(2000,4500)); Dialogue = new Dialogue(); List<String> RespondSpeach = Dialogue.getNumberList1(); keyboard.typeString(RespondSpeach.get(Index) , true); said = false; } } public void onMessage(Message m) throws InterruptedException { //Message recieveing method Dialogue = new Dialogue(); List<String> ReceivedSpeach = Dialogue.getNumberList(); for (String word : ReceivedSpeach){ if (m.getMessage().contains(word)){ Index = ReceivedSpeach.indexOf(word); said = true; } } } and here is the dialogue class: Hope that some people find it useful
kadiem changed their profile photo
F2pChopper My first release Good morning everyone i'm releasing my first script, hopping that it could be useful for some people Features: Changes axe according to WC level Changes tree/area according to WC level Drops logs when PowerChopping(Before level 60) and stores Yew logs(At 60 and above) Requirements: Have Bronze, Steel, Black, Mithril, Adamant, Rune axes in your bank Source: package Chopper; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.constants.Banks; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Item; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.*; import org.osbot.rs07.api.util.Utilities; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep; import java.awt.*; import java.util.List; @ScriptManifest(name = "F2pChopper", author = "Kadhim", version = 1.6, info = "Chopper", logo = "") public class Main extends Script { Timer BanTimer; long Timer; int LogChopped; Area WithdrawAxesBank = Banks.DRAYNOR; Area Bankyew = Banks.GRAND_EXCHANGE; Area WILLOWAREA = new Area( new int[][]{ {2968, 3188}, {2959, 3192}, {2961, 3201}, {2966, 3201}, {2969, 3200}, {2972, 3197}, {2975, 3195}, {2976, 3194} } ); Area TREESAREA = new Area( new int[][]{ {2909, 3308}, {2923, 3301}, {2928, 3313}, {2921, 3318} } ); Area OAKAREA = new Area(3151, 3458, 3170, 3450); Area YEWAREA = new Area( new int[][]{ { 3201, 3505 }, { 3225, 3505 }, { 3222, 3498 }, { 3207, 3498 }, { 3207, 3498 }, { 3207, 3499 } } ); @Override public void onStart() { BanTimer = new Timer(0); Timer = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { CheckContMessage(); if (BanTimer.Passed(random(10, 15))) { ANTI_BAN(); log("Anti-Ban"); BanTimer.reset(); } if(!inventory.contains(Axe())){ WithdrawAxes(); } if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) < 60){ if(!inventory.isFull()){ PowerChopping(); }else{ if(inventory.isFull()){ Drop(); } } } if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) >= 60){ if(!inventory.isFull()){ ChopYews(); }else{ if(inventory.isFull()){ BankYew(); } } } return 100; } public void PowerChopping() throws InterruptedException { if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) < 15){ this.ChopTrees(); } if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) >= 15 && skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) < 30){ this.ChopOaks(); } if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) >= 30 && skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) < 60){ this.ChopWillows(); } } private void CheckContMessage() { RS2Widget lvlUp = widgets.get(233, 11); RS2Widget cont = widgets.get(233, 2); if (lvlUp != null) { cont.interact(new String[]{"Continue"}); } if (cont != null) { cont.interact(new String[]{"Continue"}); } } private void ANTI_BAN() throws InterruptedException { switch (random((int)0, (int)9)) { case 0: { //Hovering for (int x = 0; x < 5; x = x + random(0,5)){ switch (random((int)0, (int)1)) { case 0: { for (int z = 0; z < 5; z = z + random(0,5)) { inventory.hover(random(0, 27)); } break; } case 1: { Entity TREE_STUMP = objects.closest("Tree stump"); if(TREE_STUMP != null){ TREE_STUMP.hover(); } break; } } } break; } case 1: { //Typing switch (random((int)0, (int)3)) { case 0: { keyboard.typeString("Type something", true); break; } case 1: { keyboard.typeString("Type something", true); break; } case 2: { keyboard.typeString("Type something", true); break; } case 3: { keyboard.typeString("Type something", true); break; } case 4: { keyboard.typeString("Type something", false); break; } } break; } case 2: { //Move mouse out of screen mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); sleep(random(1000,10000)); break; } case 3: { //Check skill xp getSkills().hoverSkill(Skill.WOODCUTTING); sleep(random(2000,3000)); break; } case 4: { //Examine inventory Item Axe = getInventory().getItem(Axe()); Item Logs = getInventory().getItem(LogsInInv()); switch (random((int)0, (int)1)) { case 0: { Axe.interact("Examine"); break; } case 1: { Logs.interact("Examine"); break; } } break; } case 5: { //Open random tabs tabs.open(Tab.forId(random(0,13))); break; } } } private void ChopYews() throws InterruptedException { Entity YEW = objects.closest("Yew"); if(!YEWAREA.contains(myPlayer())){ walking.webWalk(YEWAREA); } if(YEWAREA.contains(myPlayer())){ if (YEW != null && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isAnimating()) { YEW.interact("Chop down"); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(10000, 15000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return !myPlayer().isAnimating(); } }.sleep(); } } } private void ChopWillows() throws InterruptedException { if(!WILLOWAREA.contains(myPlayer())){ walking.webWalk(WILLOWAREA); } if(WILLOWAREA.contains(myPlayer())){ Entity WTREE = objects.closest("Willow"); if (WTREE != null && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isAnimating()) { WTREE.interact("Chop down"); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(10000, 15000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return !myPlayer().isAnimating(); } }.sleep(); } } } private void ChopOaks() throws InterruptedException { if(!OAKAREA.contains(myPlayer())){ walking.webWalk(OAKAREA); } if(OAKAREA.contains(myPlayer())){ Entity OTREE = objects.closest("Oak"); if (OTREE != null && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isAnimating()) { OTREE.interact("Chop down"); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(10000, 15000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return !myPlayer().isAnimating(); } }.sleep(); } } } private void ChopTrees() throws InterruptedException { if(!TREESAREA.contains(myPlayer())){ walking.webWalk(TREESAREA); } if(TREESAREA.contains(myPlayer())){ Entity TREE = objects.closest("Tree"); if (TREE != null && !myPlayer().isMoving() && !myPlayer().isAnimating()) { TREE.interact("Chop down"); new ConditionalSleep(Script.random(10000, 15000)) { public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return !myPlayer().isAnimating(); } }.sleep(); } } } public void WithdrawAxes() throws InterruptedException { if(!WithdrawAxesBank.contains(myPlayer())){ walking.webWalk(WithdrawAxesBank); } if(WithdrawAxesBank.contains(myPlayer())){ if(!bank.isOpen()){ bank.open(); } if(bank.isOpen()){ if(bank.contains(Axe())){ bank.depositAll(); bank.withdraw(Axe(),1); }else{ log("Bank does not contain " +Axe()); logoutTab.logOut(); } } } } public void BankYew() throws InterruptedException { if(!Bankyew.contains(myPlayer())){ walking.webWalk(Bankyew); } if(Bankyew.contains(myPlayer())){ if(!bank.isOpen()){ bank.open(); } if(bank.isOpen()){ bank.depositAllExcept(Axe()); } } } public void Drop(){ inventory.dropAllExcept(Axe()); } public String LogsInInv(){ if(inventory.contains("Logs")){ return "Logs"; } if(inventory.contains("Oak logs")){ return "Oak logs"; } if(inventory.contains("Willow logs")){ return "Willow logs"; } if(inventory.contains("Yew logs")){ return "Yew logs"; } return null; } public String Axe(){ if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) < 6){ return "Bronze axe"; } if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) >= 6 && skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) < 11){ return "Steel axe"; } if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) >= 11 && skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) < 21){ return "Black axe"; } if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) >= 21 && skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) < 31){ return "Mithril axe"; } if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) >= 31 && skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) < 41){ return "Adamant axe"; } if(skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING) >= 41){ return "Rune axe"; } return null; } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { g.setFont(new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,18)); g.setColor(Color.CYAN); long timeRan = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.Timer; g.drawString("Time Ran: " + this.formatTime(timeRan), 25, 282); g.drawString("Current level: " + this.skills.getDynamic(Skill.WOODCUTTING), 25, 300); g.drawString("Yew logs: " + LogChopped, 25, 320); } public final String formatTime(long ms) { long s = ms / 1000; long m = s / 60; long h = m / 60; return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", h %= 24, m %= 60, s %= 60); } public void onMessage(Message m){ if(m.getMessage().contains("You get some yew logs")){ LogChopped++; } } } Paste this to timer class public boolean Passed(long Minutes ){ return (Minutes * 60000) - getElapsed() < 0; } Progresses:
Nvm it was just bot could not attack while my health is low and have no food in the inventory