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About Grizzmudo

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  1. how long have you ran it for? I've run the script for maybe 20 hrs over all so far and it happened 3 times. So it's not super frequent but still happens. It also matters more for the 1 def account i use.
  2. Logger included, something is definitely happening with the way the script handles movement and how close it stands to druids; i Check back and my account has 8hp only saved by ring of life.
  3. seconded, script not starting in mirror
  4. i feel like it tries to move, it has the blue square it tries to go to on the screen but it just sits in melee range next to the druid
  5. hey there so the script has worked for me smoothly most of the time but there are a few hiccups. I died twice while using the script and was curious as to why so i babysat. It seems to sometimes stand beside one of the druids in melee range and get "stuck" when it tries to walk to a safe location. Not too big of a deal for a higher level account but can lead to deaths for lower levels.
  6. fair enough i just think it's very un human-like to leave 50k on the ground, Ranarr seeds are 1/181 so it's not THAT rare. Only ogres are really relevant to this concern I get that there are plenty other places to use it thnks for responding
  7. Hi is there looting in this script at all? Ogres sometimes drop seeds. Some are 50k+ ea and they're stack-able so I can't see it hurt to include at least those because who wouldn't pick up a snap, torstol or ranarr seed
  8. I may be weird but i'd love a server wide bank wipe tbqh it would bring back that feeling of the beginning of osrs and make things more interesting
  9. Hey folks I've gotten burnt out on Runescape and would rather just cash out on runescape. With intense schooling on the horizon I won't have to time to play Runescape for leisure like I used to. This is a pure I used to bot on (I stopped after getting a bot busting moderate last year) but I made it into my main that I play on for fun. However, I won't have the time for it any more and runescape has lost its appeal to me. I am the original and only owner of this account. Sale includes all recovery details. Main Features of account: Morytania Hard diary complete, Kandarin Hard diary complete Awesome house (ornate pool, fairy ring, portal nexus, altar of the occult, ornate jewelry box) Fire cape, fighter torso, dragon defender Ava's assembler (Dragon Slayer 2 Complete) Barrows Gloves (RFD complete) Full Graceful Set 210 Quest Points Blessed god cape Rigour Unlocked ~30m of random supplies I'll be leaving on the account like ring of the gods, blowpipe, trident, barrows armour Starting bid with $75 Paypal Asking A/W $150 Paypal, willing to haggle.
  10. don't think so. I've gotten it multiple times and I never use human error.
  11. Tom I think I may have figured it out, it seems that when the message for a full inventory or levelup comes up it happens, but not every time. So something like pressing space upon full inv/level up might fix the issue
  12. It's happening even with normal drop pattern and shift dropping. Human error was not enabled at any time that I got the error(s).
  13. It's also getting stuck using the fish on the fishing spot. I don't know how to recreate it. If you put it on any form of shift drop, you'll probably be able to witness it if you watch the bot for a while.
  14. Normal seems to work just fine. Edit: Just caught it happening again
  15. Fishing at Otto's Grotto using shift click dropping (vertical optimal) and it seems to be spamming use one fish on another. Oddly enough it's not happening with every inventory. The logger does not seem to contain anything unusual. Edit: I think it could be a lag issue. I hopped worlds and it hasn't happened since. Edit 2: Never mind. Even on a low ping world, it still occurred after a few inventories. This seems like an easy way to get banned, would be nice if you could look into it. For now I'll try different drop methods. Edit 3: It is also occurring with other drop methods using shift click dropping. It seems to be a problem with shift click dropping in general.
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