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  1. Hm, I trust that it works fine for you, so I must be doing something wrong. I unfortunately have to go now and won't be back awhile, so I'll have to PM you abit later. And I edited in the gif up above; that might help a bit.
  2. Hey, I've set everything up flawlessly (pretty sure), but the script messes up relatively consistently. I'm making oak larders with a demon butler. The issue occurs with clicking the oak larder option when attempting to make it. There are two variations of the issue: 1. There is some sort of delay, usually in the form of a 1 or 2 second lag, right as the script clicks the oak larder option to make it, but because there is that delay and the screen doesn't exit immediately, the script clicks oak larder again a second later (probably thinking it wasn't clicked in the first place). But that second later the oak larder was already started to be made, and since the selection screen disappeared, the script clicks onto some random far away spot that corresponds to the coordinates of where the oak larder option was. It does this for a little while then it terminates. 2. The demon butler comes right when you are about to click on the oak larder option and in turn makes the option screen exit; the script proceeds to do the same thing as mentioned above. I will link to a gif of it happening in a minute (once it uploads). Again, it happens consistently so I'm not sure what I can do differently. I think the fix for this program wise would be to have the script recognize that it's exited the selection menu for which larder to build, so it needs to reopen, etc. Please fix ASAP if possible. Cheers! edit: http://i.imgur.com/8xvU7Uh.gifv
  3. In the process of selling 81M; posting this for confirmation, and requesting a PM with the same confirmation (as well as price per mil). edit: Selling went smoothly. Thank you!
  4. They finished my order in about a couple hours; wonderful job, thank you!
  5. Placing my order for a fire cape as instructed by the fire caper for Renita over Skype. The price agreed upon was 12M, and I have all supplies ready, and my entire bank screen shotted. My combat level is 64, with 83 range, 75 HP, 44 pray, and 1 defense. Please confirm this order so I can make the payment. Thank you. edit: Please also give me an ETA for completion if possible.
  6. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I didn't specify that I was inquiring about a fire cape.
  7. Could you send me a PM with a price quote for an 83 range, 75 hp, 44 pray, and 1 defense account with (god) mitre, fury, (god) robe top, blowdart (with adamant darts), ava's accumulator, black d'hide vambs and chaps, archer's ring, and holy sandals (though, other items can be arranged)? Thanks.
  8. Could you send me a PM with a price quote for an 83 range, 75 hp, 44 pray, and 1 defense account with (god) mitre, fury, (god) robe top, blowdart (with adamant darts), ava's accumulator, black d'hide vambs and chaps, archer's ring, and holy sandals (other items can be arranged)? Thanks.
  9. Could you send me a PM with a price quote for an 83 range, 75 hp, 44 pray, and 1 defense account with (god) mitre, fury, (god) robe top, blowdart (with adamant darts), ava's accumulator, black d'hide vambs and chaps, archer's ring, and holy sandals? Thanks.
  10. I'd like to request a quote for a couple of handfuls of quests. They are: The Restless Ghost Priest in Peril Making History Ghosts Ahoy Mountain Daughter Black Nights’ Fortress Druidic Ritual Rag and Bone Man (Also complete wish list) Spirits of the Elid BioHazard Many of the quests should be relatively short, so I don't think it's too daunting of a list. And to my knowledge, I should have all of the required skills. I also can prepare all of the quest items for you, organized in a neat little tab in my bank. There is one more thing i'd like to inquire about on top of that; I'm interested to know if you'd be able to do the quests through a proxy that changes the location of your IP to at least the state I reside in (in the U.S.). It's not a dealbreaker if you can't, but please do let me know if you can or can't. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  11. I'd like to request a quote for a couple of handfuls of quests. They are: The Restless Ghost Priest in Peril Making History Ghosts Ahoy Mountain Daughter Black Nights’ Fortress Druidic Ritual Rag and Bone Man (Also complete wish list) Spirits of the Elid BioHazard Many of the quests should be relatively short, so I don't think it's too daunting of a list. And to my knowledge, I should have all of the required skills. I also can prepare all of the quest items for you, organized in a neat little tab in my bank. There is one more thing i'd like to inquire about on top of that; I'm interested to know if you'd be able to do the quests through a proxy that changes the location of your IP to at least the state I reside in (in the U.S.). It's not a dealbreaker if you can't, but please do let me know if you can or can't. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  12. I think you nailed it on the head on what needs to be fixed in the script. The getting stuck behind the brawlers and constantly clicking the portal is a HUGE giveaway and has happened so many times to me; and yeah, spinners are supposed to be a priority but I can't begin to count how many times the bot just continues attacking the portal when there are multiple spinners around. If those two things could be fixed (maybe somehow make the bot equate the brawlers to obstacles/walls, and update spinner recognition and make the bot attack them no matter whatever else it is doing that moment?), this script would be flawless. Otherwise, I would recommend only having the bot defend the knight and not have it go anywhere near portals, OR babysit it heavily. It's a good script other than those two issues (which are important), and has gotten me hundreds of points so far, but please, fix those issues if possible and make it into the best PC script there is so it's not so nerve-wracking to use.
  13. It still does this. Can you give an ETA for a fix?
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