Mining gold at the crafting guild. It banks between the falador bank, and the port sarim deposit box. They alternate which one it deposits into. The problem is it wont deposit into the port sarim box. Only actually banks at the falador bank. It also gets stuck if it changes your camera angle and an ore is blocked by the wall. This could be fixed very easily with some code.
Everything looks good at the crafting guild for gold ore now! the only problem is on the way back once its inside it changes the camera angle to so two nodes are hidden by the wall and it just spams the wall. Thanks for the update!
edit: Does this about 50% of the time or so, depends
Hey mate, i used to use your AIO for a long time and then I quit the game. Just coming back and i see you have your own premium script now. Congrats! How much ingame gold would you want for this? i'm kind of poor irl right now.