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Everything posted by pancho

  1. Life's good ;D

  2. Im I doing something wrong 0.0? Its stuck at retrieving prices for past 2 min https://gyazo.com/c0a458cbbb98dd4214b6e9543492c35d Edit: ah started working after about 5 min when i started minig nvm Edit 2: Getting stuck here: https://gyazo.com/f4f20cd382866730dee59ef2cdc36280
  3. Damn boy, 2 mins in and its been fixed lmao! I guess ill post back in a few hrs. Going to try another trial while I wait for the fix !
  4. Looking to get a motherlode mine script soon, once the problems above have been fixed pls shoot trial my way thanks
  5. Hey Khal, may I have a trial of this script? I have decided I need to do Kandarin diaries before doing agility at seers Need coal bag to level my smiting in BF >.> Forgot to post in request thread lol, just did >.<
  6. Buying this as soon as I get home. Great support!
  7. Do you recommend to enable the antiban feature? As well, may I make a suggestion. Would it be possible to add camelot teleport option to seers village rooftop course. I believe once someone has completed the kandarin diaries, you can teleport right to the spot where the course begins (you can change the camelot teleport to be beside the bank). This increases the course xp/hr by around 30k
  8. Alright thanks for reply ;) And its too risky atm to take off glass unfortunately don't last a day without it lol
  9. On the upside though, canifis seems to be waaaay better than wilderness. It just seems to have a common delay on clicking the tree to climb up to the first rooftop
  10. In wilderness, the only thing that i see happening is that it sometimes tries to do the same obstacle twice even though it passed it. I don't think it lets the emote finish (the emote you do when doing an obstacle) before deciding if to go to next obstacle or go back to that one. As well at times it waits for about 3 sec at end of each obstacle, which makes the trip take an extra 20 sec or so. Otherwise it looks fine so far! The obstacle that it tries to do twice is the lava rocks, and it pauses before the lava rocks too. This may be the antiban though which I just disabled. As well before lava rocks it tends to move the screen in a way that the lava rocks go out of the screen (https://gyazo.com/c52fa2bb0dab90bc006b4fec50d77f35). It takes about 5-15 seconds to fix itself here. It also got stuck underground with skeletons as shown here due to camera issues as well (it tried clicking the black paint): https://gyazo.com/07294fb4cf2cb4c078ff5642b499e0d3
  11. hey Khaleesi. Does this support the wilderness course? As well, I will be using mirror only, so how does it work with that? If it is currently functional, may I please have a trial to test. Looking for an agility script *NOTE*: I Requested trial on your trial request thread oh as well, please tell me it supports energy + stamina pots 0.0 Thanks!
  12. pancho

    Fruity NMZ

    Just bought it and it's amazing! Thanks a lot! Cant wait till it buys the dream ;D
  13. pancho

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey Fruity, Any chance you might know when are you going to add the dream starter and all that good stuff lol I'm 99% sure im going to buy it Very nice job.
  14. anyone been banned? whats the ban rate so far?
  15. Um i would pay 20$. This is also taking in account that the account doesn't have any flags or anything.
  16. ME TOOO !!! Plz anyone help?... Have you gotten banned yet?
  17. I"m getting the same problem how do we solve this?? Help
  18. pancho


    sold yet? lol if not i'll add you on Skype
  19. pancho


    did you sell the account?
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