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  1. Would love a 24h trial please boss!
  2. Hello! Any chance you offer trials for lovable little scamps ?
  3. I too would love a trial! Khaleesi's scripts are always badass but being able to try before you buy is UHMAYZIN!
  4. Hey Molly! Was hoping to get a trial of this script, it looks like it's just what I need! Thanks!
  5. I had only the 3 upper areas selected and I just now tried to run it with each of the upper areas individually, each time the script just says 'walking to mining area' and doesnt move, whether all 3 upper areas are selected or only 1 at a time. BTW no lower areas were selected during these tests. I am running on default options (only avoid players ticked and upper areas selected)
  6. I ended up purchasing your script before I even tried the trial! Happy with the purchase so far! I have been having some issues when attempting to mine from the top level... If started on ground level, it will just stand there. If I start it while standing on the upper level, it will fill inventory and then just stand there. Wondering if I've stuffed something up? Cheers.
  7. howdy Khal, could I please grab a trial? Thanks for making good scripts.
  8. Hello! I have just come back to botting and thus have not used this script in quite some time... When I open it, it asks me to pick a walker - no matter which i select it will instantly stop the script. Just wondering if I've missed a simple step or if the script is waiting for an update? Happily using another one of your products but this is my only combat script
  9. Such a quick reply/fix! Thanks heaps Khal. If anyone was wondering whether they should purchase this script or not -- do not delay! The script is great value for all it does already, but to get this sort of support service is unheard of! This script is a sound investment!
  10. Hey Khal! This is the first script I've bought from you and I'm very impressed, everything is very clean/efficient/simple! Only flaw I've noticed at the moment is that I'm unable to string Diamond amulets, the script attempts to select Ruby amulets (u) instead of the Diamond and logs out, i made sure 3-4 times that I selected Diamond and not Ruby. Selecting Ruby will make the script withdraw Ruby also, so it seems only the Diamond ammy (u) string option is broken. Thanks !
  11. Hey Czar I signed up yesterday and purchased this script off the bat, I haven't botted for 4+ years and this script is awesome! two 8h progs first night and two more since. The anti pattern is brilliant and the scale system for aggression works well. But I've noticed, I ran out of ammo and the client itself locked up, couldnt toggle screen clicks to eat or log out, had to alt f4 and luckily lived. Also I had 'pick up arrows' enabled with iron knives and it was spastic, it picked the knives up when the crab was at 40% and then didnt pick up the remainder after the kill. I realize ava's will fix this so no stress. Also the world hop is broken for me, it just runs out of range endlessly at the player count as if the crabs had de-aggroed. Solid purchase though! Cheers Edit: 7 minutes after this post both of my accounts got banned! Haha, you win some, you lose some!
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