We will never know 100% of the exact detailing, but we do know something is not right and it's not what our government claims happened. Look at how we claimed to have killed osama, and everybody jumped up for joy after they released the actual "pictures of his corpse" well it was just mainly his face. which was honestly ridiculous as you can easily google search his name and find the REAL photo of the obvious photo shopped that they released, and people still believe this shit. When stuff like this gets passed by and when anyone can access this basic info and it slips by most people and they believe this, when its blatant its bullshit, what else do you think they can get away with? It's our own stupidity as a country to let this kind of stuff continue. and honestly what can us as individuals really do? The government as a giant army on their side, no not our military, the sheeple of this country is astounding.