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  1. I just found out that when my inv is full it goes back to put everything into the bank and it starts to do this . https://gyazo.com/29da539421f61f13daefdb265c777431 it only last for 5times + and it goes back to thieving without the dodging neck so it won't do this when my inv is full . small problem , i just think some people might not know
  2. can you fix to always click on pouch before banking or don't deposit coin pouch when banking not sure why sometimes it does that. at the moment i have food in my inv . Is it better to start the script with nothing in the inv ? THANKS and when thieving stalls in ardy it doesn't run away from the guards when being attacked .
  3. when thieving ardy knights it have problem when depositing , it kept on clicking on depositing money pack , when you can't deposit it. i didn't select the keep coin options cause it have the same problem
  4. i know questing and switching skills to bot everyday is the best if that's your main it's not your main account if you bot like gold farmers
  5. what was your thieving level ? i bot from level 1- 99
  6. i botted to total 1800 in 40 days , 5 99s i botted 15 hours a day , i do quest manully . please use a member account and quest in the beginning . don't use free script or shitty script i got banned botting farmers with 99 thieving suicide bot no break for 10 hours straight
  7. botted account to 2xxx total botting 20 hours a day never use mirror mode maybe how the scripts runs and how you bot matters most/ what method and spot that ur botting and one of my account got banned after i said this gg
  8. Just want to know the price of a 99theving account Want few of it
  9. what's the average price of level 95-99 thieving account?
  10. https://gyazo.com/a7d47b00d331f14d55adf4d7067582f0 91 now good script
  11. anyone got 1 let me know the pricing of it
  12. losing 800k an hour feels great
  13. Sweet just bought it hope it works fine so far your other scripts got 0 bugs for me loving it
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